1992 School Magazine

This year trials wei'e ITeld for' the Queensland R. S. G. Development Squad and it was pleasing Inat most of our Classic girls were successftil. in March, an audition ino Panel from Me Iboui'ne selected Brooke A1kinson and Phoebe Papas to perfornT for. the National Toyota lauricli of the Olympic Games. 11 was all exhausting but very excii- ing fotir days. During the Easter Vacation 18 gymnasis, 4 judges and 3 parents fi'Qin oui' club wei'e sanctioned by the AUSti'ajian Gymnastic Fedei'ajion to compete in the "S outhern Cross In Iernational Invitation al Inter club Competition" whiclt was lield in Chi. isichuich NZ. Our gills performed with excellent I'esults placing in every sec- lion of boili Competitions ''*.,,,,,, . ,.,,,*\I" *. .' ',,. . .*... . * , 4.4 - .+:.... - ...} , ,,.; * * ***.*;:~ " ~""I**""", ,';; , . .. ., .,,,,, .... ' '; ,,~

an exciting OPPoi'Iunity foi' the dancei's 10 perfoini in pub- Iic and considering the enei'gy and Grilliusiasin with which they pel'fomied, it was an enjoyable expel'ience for all. We are now busily rehearsing for OUT fortlicoming pel'for- mances on School Day and our final The all. e Dance con- cert for' the year in Deceiiiber The numbei' of EQUESTRIAN leanis' activities continues to incl'ease willI oui' liders perfoi'In ing exireinely well in both individual and team competitions at many events in the Soulli East QLieenslaiid region. Riders who featui'ed willI winiiing pel'101'mances include Kale Casteen. Lucy Aus tin. Sai'all Ashovei'. Kai'11 Gleenland and Allisoii Haruon. h was pleasing to see more people become involved and the gi'owlli of a wondei'fLil Ieain spii'it The competition CUIminaied ill the Stale Chainpionships held at Pine Lodge. TITornlands dui'ing tile Septeiiibei' 1101i- days. Regional competitions were lielcl all over the state and I'idei's fi'onI as far north as Townsville and fi'Qin Cliarleville in 111e west. gainered for 3101ig days of finals competition. Kale Gasieeii gained 111ird place in the indi- vidual dressage and Lucy Austin woii the Open Hack eveni. The teams event whicli was a combined di'essage and show Jumping competition was very tense and close and oui' leani of Lucy Austin. Kale Casteen. Sophie Ashovei and Allison Hamoii pel'fomied extremely well to be the Reserve State Champions - all excelleni effort! Kale Gasteen is also to be congratulated on qualifying to compete in the Equestrian Federation of AUSti'ajia National Dressage Championships latei. in the yeai. . Tliis year also saw BGGS form the fii. SI school POLO team. Unfortunately, 111e other schools who wei'e to enter teams all forfeited and oLir team was left to play a demoii- SII'alloii Inatch against the Pine Lodge Junior Staff team KGlly Dunn, An it a Coombes and Sophie Ransom trained hai'd over six months for' this event and put on an exciting display of polo skills 10 heal the Pine Lodge Team 14-8. Tlie girls have enjoyed this new sport anti ai. e all keen 10 colliintie willI polo in the fLitui'e TITis year saw our BASKETBALL teams incl'ease to 9 for Ihe Brisbane Basketball competition, whicli includes three distinct seasons fi'Qin Februai'y to Novembei'. This PIOvid- ecl all OPPoi'Iunity for 11/01e gills to expel'Ience one of AUSii'alla's fastest growing SPOTis. whiclt combines piiysi- cal fitness and enjoyiiient. With ancli a large number of playei's. we calei' for every type of basketballei'. froiii the social participant 10 the highly competitive 1111/1ete EijiliusiasiiT anti consisteni training Ihi'oughoui the yeai' pavec1 111e wit^ ^or' some impi'essive results in the niain sea- son. Most tealns Gained a spoi in tile semi-finals, wiih the Uiidci' 14 BILic Tellin. ill Division 2. winiiiiio the pieiTiiei'- ship. This Is 1111 outstanding el'roll. anti a lust I'ewai'{I toI' 111ese xii'Is. The fuiui'e of Graininai' Basketball is looking vei'y hireljj Tintlitioniilly. 111e 1111/1^light of the basketball calendai^'o1' the school's lop playci\ is Ihe Stale ChanTpionships in Sepieiiibci'. Tliis yeai'. a pioniising anti conimiiied tealn was clioseii 10 I'GPi'CSent Grainmai'. We Inainiainecl a 111gh standai'cl of basketball 11/10ughoui, 10 finish all Impi'essive 6111. \\11icli wits all impi'UVeiiieni on Iasi yeai'. We were

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Brooke At kinson (Li and PhDebe Papas in September. Brooke A1kinsoii was named as a final isI in the Channel 7Iunioi. Sportsperson of the Yeai' award. The National televising of Brooke 11'ainino at BGGS gave con- sidei'able exposure 10 0ui' sport and congratulations to Brooke foi' I'eceivin, , the medal for National Iunioi Sportperson - Octobei' 1992. School Day on Octobei' 17th offerecl Displays anti perfoi'Inarices showing all facets of Rhythmic Gymnastics from our juniors to our National Champions. Novice coinpeiitoi's 11ave their first Stale Championships ill Novembei' alld oLir club will nave vei'y silong enti'Ies in all sections. By Septembei'. 25 of our Classic gymnastics qualified foi' the Qld State Cliampionships alld during 111e Tilles our Club became the Stale Champions ill 14 events. In Deceinbei' some of our Classic Gymnasis will be pailici- paling in RSG Levels Squatls ill the AUSti'ajiaii Instiiuie o1' Spoil ill Can bel'I'a. TITis is \, ery pi'o1/11sing anti will Glisui'e a 11igli standarc1 10 commence the 1993 Rhythiiiic Yeai' THEATRE DANCE is a co-cull'icular activity which caters foi' 1110se gii'is WITo wisli 10 participate in a variety o1' dance styles and enables 111eiii 10 explore costuiiiin!!, light- Ing 11nd souncl techniques. Oui' TITeaii'e Dancers nave 11a(I 11 busy but exciting yeai'. cuminencin!! willI our first concei'I in Mai'ch. This concert included a varied pi'o21'am of excerpts fi'o111 Gi'ease, Hair, Choi'us Line and Talent Showcase. A nulliber of girls also pailicipaie(I ill the SOS conceit. and pel'tollncd ill Ihe Queen Street Mall as pail o1 all Gritei'minineni PI'o:11'alli orgiiiiisecl by, Bill'bani Uiecli 10 fiindi'wise 101' 11, e Pill'tiltluadi'IPIegic Association. TITis was


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