1992 School Magazine
Sallie Lawrence (17 yeai's), with the overall School Champion being Sallie Lawrence The Q. CSS. S. A. Cross Country competition did not mark the end of the season for several of the more serious and dedicated athletes. in fact, it was only the beginning! in May, seven girls competed in the Queensland All Schools' Slate Championships with two of the competitors, Sailie Lawrence and Sal'ah MCEvoy, qualifying for the National All Schools' Competition. This competition was held in Allce Spi. ings over the June/July school holidays. Sallie Lawi'ence did exilemely well ill this competition being placed fifth in the open event. in June, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School competed in the Regional Ci'OSS Country Championships at KGdron. Out of the fifteen girls who conipeted, five gills - Sailie Lawrence, lulle MCMenaniin, Bindi MCGeachie, NICola Ross and Jane ECkett (reserve), were then selected to attend the State Championships at Cabooltui'e. RHYTHMIC SPORTIVE GYMNASTICS is a beautiful sport combining the refined expression of dance, the SII'ength of gymnastics and the skill of apparatus nandling and its popularity continues to increase within the school community. For' the Q. G. S. S. S. A. competition, Grammar entered all apparatus (Hoop, Ball, Ribbon and Combination Hoop and Ball). This competition was lield, for 111e first time, in the new Somerville House gymnasiunT whicli provided an excellent venue for the sport. Four impi'essive, disciplined teams succeeded in winning all apparatus, foi' the first time in many years, and further illustiated Grammar's dominance in gymnastics TITiicliei'111 sees tlie School's greatest commitment in nullt- hers 10 coinpetive sport during the year. We are involved in foul. Inajoi' spoils, HOCKEY, VOLLEYBALL, TENNIS and NETBALL with 3.4,6 and 8 teams respectively. This year Grainmar placed fifth or better in 19 of the 21 pre- in lei'ship competitions in Winter Fixtures. This included a C Grade lied Hockey premiership. HOCKEY continues to be a strong spoil in the school with a most impressive coaching panel and pool of players to draw froiTi. All grades perfoimed well in the cut - 11/10ai Q. G. S. S. S. A. season, however, the C Grade Tales special mention. Tileii' dominance of the opposition for' the dura- lion of the season was exceptional, resulting in 80 goals foi' and nil against. This is the 111ghest 110ckey ratio evei' and illusti'ates how skilled tile playei's were, as well as how effective Iy they combined as a team willI no one playei' dominating throughout tile season The A Grade never really reached its full potential during the season which was frusti'ajing for both players and coach, but 111ere was mai'KGd impi'ovement in individuals gaine play and IIOPefully those leaving will continue their compelitve hockey and those remaining will wage a more successful assault on their competition next year
This yeai' VOLLEYBALL had a strong season fielding foul' competitive teams. The stale selection camp in which Me Dan Scott, Kathryn Whitehouse, Kate Kilpatrick and Beth Williams pal'ticipated took place during the
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Christmas holidays. Beth was selected for the U17 State team and played in the nationals while Kate was selected in the U17B. in an attempt to improve oui' standard, some of the teams played in club and regional competitions and members of our teams, naniely Beth Williams and Kale Kilpatrick, wei'e selected in the Open Regional squad and Frances Hastie and Shiona Watson in the U15 Regional squad. Beth Will ianis was latei' selected in tlie State team. Infoi'11tal Interschool matches willI CTaigslea State High School and Loi'eto were also lield to further hone oui' skills. The newly foiTned D Glade, which is restricted to Gi'ade 8 and 9 students, was oui. niosi successful team and their perfoiniance will no doubt Improve with Inaturity and expel'ieiice. The volleyballers continue their assault on competition and entered the Schools Cup in October in three divisions. Sucli commitment will only furthei' improve our athletes and establish an impressive pool of
seasoned players. "*;r** .**\,\\\*.
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Representatives honours went to Bindie Potter who was selected in the Queensland Schoolgirls' Team and ITav- GIIed to Perili during the season. Bridie is our first Blue for
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