1992 School Magazine

TENNIS is one of 11Te oldest competitive sports at BGGS and its fine tradition continued in 1992. This year, for' 11Te first lime, foul' of oui' six coaclies were "old girls" or in Vanessa Lohi'isch's case with the Grade 8 team, OUT Tennis captain. in this sport, Gi. am mar was the second strongest school in the competition with considerable depth and out- standing individual pel'formances from Vanessa Lohrisch (A Grade), Anionia Conomos (Year 9) and Andrea Ho (Year 8), all of whom wei'e undefeated in their singles matches NETBALL is one of Australia's nTost popular sports and 111is was made evident by the introduction of a fully spon- sored State wide competition for young wonien: The Mobil S econdary S chools Netball Knockout Competition. Gi'am mar began the 1992 season by taking part in this competition. We played Albany Ci'eek Slate High School

different activities. EDI'tunately. Grithusiasum was sparked in the pre season Interhouse Athletics, (now traditionally) held at QEll on the Thursday following the RNA Show Holiday in August, the Septembei' Holiday Athletics camp with BGS. and several interschool meets in Septembei. and October prior 10 the main competition At Regionals, OUT athletes performed exilemely well. Our representatives were Harriette Lawson (S hot Putt). Bridie Potter (200m, 400m), Sarah MCEvoy who placed fii'st in the Under 15 1,500m, Zoe Beer (Hurdles). Meredith Bochmann (400.800.300m Hui. dles). Alexandra Derrick who placed fii'SI in 111e 200m and also I'an in the loonT and Iacqueline Griffiths who won the 16 year Shotpui. These placings gave us sound I. easons foi' looking forward 10 111e final perfoniiance of tile season. The definitive QGSSSA competition was held on Wednesday 21 October at QEll, willI Gi'am mai' giving all inspiration al performance. leading the coinpeiition after 68 events and finally finishing third after a close and exciiinn relay competition. This is oui' 111ghest placing in sevei'al yeai's. but perhaps even more noteworthy were the excel- lent achievements of both the 13 years and Lindei'. and the 16 yeai's age groLip in securing the Age Championship pennants in theii^'espective divisions. in all age groLips, however, there were impi'ovements on 111e 1991 place- merits, all of which wei'e significant in contributing to o11r ovei'all 111glt placing


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On an Individual level, special I'ecognition is given to Zoe Beer, Meredith Bochmann, Brenda Carson, Allie Del'I'ick, Geo rgia lesson, B ridie Potter, Rebecca Roodveldt, Ann SUIlivan and Sharon Todhunter. all of whom gained outstanding first places in one or 1110re events. As coiniiiendable as tile team's performance. was the 11igli level of school spii'ii and encoui'agemeni extended by the student body in the weeks proceeding the conipeti- lion. jind whicli CUIminated o11 the Finals day, in loud exti- her alli support giving oui' athletes the edge ovei' tileii' coni- petitors.



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in the fii'SI round. and won convincing Iy. 43 goals to 5. We wei'e unfortunate. nowever, 10 diaw Brisbane State High School in our seconcl round match. 11 was an extremely close matcli and all IhrouglioLii Ihe Inaich, the lead fluctti- ated. Gi'animar. howevei'. was 11ni'rowly defeated by six goals. BSHS was eveiitutilly knocked out by the winners of Ihe competition, SI Petei\. AllhoLigli Gi'alliiiiai' leanis dic1 1101 Ginei'ge as pieiniei's ill ally division. the coui'age anti delei'1111nation of the Grainmai' Netballei's was impi'essive Ihrouglioui the sea- son. WillI the lielp of enihLisiiistic anti dedicated coaches. the leants wei'e spiritecl anti GIIcoLiitigecl to givc their best. Tile TRACK AND FIELD season began in July willI a sinnll colliingent of tiedicaied 1111/1etes anti coaclTe:,. h is difficult 10 niainiaiii entliusiasuin dLii'ing these 11Tonihs when Willtel' Fixiui'es requii'e niany of our athletes 10 divide their lime. concentration and effoi'I between two ..








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