1992 School Magazine
Q. G. S. S. S. A. 1992 saw an attempt to increase the number of spoi'is offered in the Q. G. S. S. S. A. Sporting Calender with Ihi'ee schools, BGGS. St Peter's and BSHS, inforinally compel- ing in a Tenri 2 Basketball Competition. This initiative I. an successfully with an Open, U16 and U14 team froni each school competing on a "home and away" basis. Unfortunately, this new sport has not gained official sanc- lion, but it is hoped interest will incl'ease as schools' facili- lies improve and an official competition will evolve This yeai. was also histoi'ic for BGGS as it saw oui. with- drawal from the Ballgames Competition. TITis activity has become all anachronism in oui' sporting calendei' with o111ei' schools re-evaluating their Involvement, with 111e view to Incorporating a spoi'I such as Basketball in its SIGad. We look forwai'd to these enlightened views
The culmination of seven weeks intensive swimming training and coaching was the SWIMMING Carnival, on Satui'day 21st March at Chandlei'. Here the Grade 8 girls PI'oved to be oui' silongest age group by winning the 13 years age Pennant foi' the first lime. The me in bel's of the 13 year age gi'oup were Anna Baranoff, Liana Bookei'. Corinne Butler. Dewi Cooke. KGlly Ieppesen. Ajison MCLean. Kathei. ine Mills. Kaiie Nixon, Allson Radcliffe. Nicola Ross. ICnny Toft. Danielle west and Saran Woodgate. These gii'is nianaged to obtain 5 of the 6 first placings we I'eceived o11 the day. For tile first lime C & D Divisions were Introduced 10 the 5011, fi'eesiyle prooi'anI in keeping willI the philosophy of the Association to provide maxiiiium pal'ticipation opportunities. To enhance the pro- gi'am and to shift the Ginpliasis from Sprint events, a 200m medley event was also added. The 16 years age oroup placed second on the day and we look forwai'd to contin- ued success in 1993. Girls' Grammar's 11'adjtion of success in ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS continued this yeai. , with six premier- ships from nine divisions in the May Competition. All teams pel'foimed brilliantly, the pennants being won with style. The A Glade Competition was of a very high SIan- dai'd and our team peltormed artmii'ably. The youno. but experienced Moleton Bay College team were the eventual victors, will\ Grammar finishing 31'd. only one point behind BSHS Tite result, among the best fi'om any Q. CS. S. S. A. sport. reflects, as do those fi. om many years past. the depth of Ial- eni and the determination the students possess. TITe contin- uing impol'lance of gymnastics and clance as an into o1'al part of the school's CUI'Ticuluni remains 111e key factoi' in Ihe success of BCGS Altistic Gymnastics. Many hours of training over 4 nTonths ai'e spent pel'fociing skills and CTe- allng team conesion admired by all and Linmatched by o1hei' schools. This ycai"s Allisiic Gymnastics team will be admired and remembered for' their bl. illiance in coinpe- tition. their team spii'11 and spoilsmanship in CROSS COUNTRY, we contintiecl to improve with Clammai\ best pel'foi'mance to date. not only in results bt!I also in numbei's involved in the sport. The Ihi'ee moililis of 1111ensive training I'erulied ill Gi'animal' finish illo third at the Q. CSS. S. A. competition lield at Loganlea Slate Higli School. This outstandino effort was the result of siloiig team spilli and the excellent school support on the day of coinpciiiion The best Individual pineings wei'e ticliieved by Nicolti Ross who gained fir'SI place in 111e 13 yeai\ age gi'oup and Sallie Lawrence WITo gained second place in tile 17 yeai's age group. The be SI leani pel'formal^CG was tile 17 years who were placed second. Tills leani consisted of Sallie Lawrence. Julie MCMenaniiii and Kim Hansen who ill'e all 10 be congi'atulated o11 the 11' outstandin, , effort. This yeai' all Individual Age School GIIampionship was o1'ganised rather than 111e Intel'house competition and the winnei's wei'e: Nicola Ross (13 yeai's). Lucy Whittle (14 years), Sal'all MCEvoy (15 yeai's). Bindi MCGeachie (16 yeai's).
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The regular spoiling year began with the A & B Grade SOFTBALL competition. Both teams were looking for- ward to the competitive season and the prospect of defend- ing tileir previous yeai"s premiei'ships. 11 was the first year the competition was lield at the Soulli Brisbane Softball Association's field at Cal'in a wliich provided international "skinned" infields. This nave 111e A Grade a sei'IOUs look at how Softball is I'eally played. The B Glade had a most successful season willI a tied piemiersliip. Unfoi'tunatcly. due to unfavoui'able wealhei' and a 2 all draw with BSHS. the A Grade finished Ihii'd and were unsuccessftil ill defending the 11' title. Rookie Yeai' 10 student Kii'SIen Valery lopped the A Glade balling avei'ages and theI'e is inucli 10 look foi'wai'd 10 ill the futui'e
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