1990 School Magazine
The music camp concert was held at B. G. S. where palents and families were given the opportunity to hear the results of three days of intensive musical rehearsal. Musical excellence is not tlTe only success of the Music Camp. The music captains trolli both schools together with Sue and Tiin Lanham organised a rigoi'ous program of social activities to I' recreation time The traditional B. G. G. S. versLIS B. G. S. volleyball game was played o11 the beach. pi'oviding entertainment not only for the spectators. but the players as well. TITe competitive though friendly air suri'ounding the Inatch gave everyone (except the singers) the opportunity to scream themselves hoarse whilst barracking for their side, and the chance to relieve the tensions from constant musical demands was welcomed with great enthusiasm
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Back to tlie Sixties Dance
The "Back to the Sixties" Dance was the social climax of the weekend. soilie of the costumes being aired for the first time since that ei'a. The eveniiTg was concluded with a limbo competition. orgaiiised by tile B. G. S. seniors. Miss Cook anti Mr May 11'01n B. G. S. judoed tlie best CosttiiTTeS Those relaxing activities combined with tlie rehearsal schedule balanced tlie weekend to make it botli ^ewarding and enjoyable Some B. G. G. S. groups ITave been engaged to perform at functions and events outside the school music concert calendar. The Wind Quintet and Flute Quartetperformed for the Mothers' Group Fashion Parade: Camerata Singers performed at the special lunchtime concert given by the music students of Seien Girls' School of Japan; and the String Quartetperformed at the opening of the Chinese Exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery for the Restoration and Building Fund MeltTbers of the Queensland Wind Soloists wereinvitedin third term to instructvarious chamber music ensembles in an informative and very worthwhile masterclass. School Day is another major calendar event for alljunior and senior groups. A two hour concert was presented to a receptive audiencein the GehrmaniiTheatre. "Wandering Minstrels" organised by Miss Anne MacAskill also perfoi'med around the school On 31st Aug11st a successful Chamber Music Concert was held in the theatre with the Anglican Church Grammar School String Ensemble as our guest performers. The chamber music concerts are always of a very high standard and it is unfortunate that more people do not attend these
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Beach Volleyball
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Talking Tactics!
Other entertainment organised by B. G. G. S. girls took the form of a game of "Perfect Match", and many were surprised by some of the witty responses to the otherwise embarrassing questions the players were asked. The BCG. S. music captains provided the funniest entertainment all weekend, in the form of a spontaneous melodrama, the actors from the ranks of the BC. S. seniors having absolutely no idea, and no control over what their characters were doing.
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