1990 School Magazine
The Music Denai'linent appreciated the in vitatioiT from pianists Bet^, V"'gara ai\d Saytiri Kishi Debski to participate in 111e Restoration and Building Fund Concei'I Camel'ata Singers pertoi'Ined several iteins o11 tills occasion and as a finale to 111e concert tlie String EITsemble conducted by Miss BTOn\\NIT Myers joined witli the pianists in tile last 1110vement of Mozai't's Double Piano Conceit0 111 Fit InajoT The coiTcei'I o11 25/11 Mai}, gave In OSt of tite groups and ensembles aiT OPPortuiTity to iterforin. The time ai\d effort that 11ad gone 11/10 rehearsing foi' tlTis concert was evident 1101/1 the 11igli stalldards achieved by all the gi'oups Pal'Grits and friends expressec1 111eii' an preciatioiT of the perforitTances The objective o1' the Annual Instrumental and Vocal Competition is to encourage the gii'is to aspire to greater achievement levels in Iterformaiice. Tile Junior Instilliiientaland Vocal Coinpetition was lieldin TeijiiH cullTiinatingiii a Iunclitiiiie conceit by the winners of each section. The Senior Coltipetitio!I was held in TeriTilll and tlie winnei's o1' tile various sections perloi'med at the annual Artists in Concert at which the R. T. & A. E. Jetferies perforiiiance BUTSary Ibi' outstanding In usIC adjudicatecl alld awardcd of 1990 insti. Limental and Vocal TITe win nei's Competitions ale was
1990 MUSIC REPORT Music 11as always lield a 11rominent place in the CLIi'I'ic111uiiiill Gills' Gifu^^Inar. A great deal of emphasis 11as alwtivs heeli place
Iu nioi'
KITStine LaLiritz Susannali Helman
B I'a s s Pel'Cussioii Vocal String Woodwind: Keyboard
*,* ^
Michelle Tstii Brooke Marsh
Collette TITompson Susannali Helmaii Shai'o11 Todhuntei'
Rosalind Hellon Michelle Christian Kacev Pail'Ick ElizabetlT Edge Sze-Wai 00i Man, Jane BelTnett Vocal/Sti. iiTg Group Phillipa Sinitli Sze-Wai 00i ..
Brass Percussion Vocal SII'ing ACie 01/11es:
Wigltt Meinorial Medal Gillies Ensemble Award Keyboard: R. T. & A. E. leiTeries Bui'saly
Music CAPrAiNs Back Row (L-R): V. Robins. S. 00i, K. Webster. Front Row: K. Vann, E. Papas. E. Edge.
The Senior Music Cantp at AlexaiIdrti Headlands is an an ITUal event for ITiusic students 11} Grades Ten. Eleven and Twelve froi\T B. G. G. S. and B. G. S. Over the Queen's Birthday weekend a coinbine
Following the traditioiT o1' previous years, the music department has had a very Involved and varied year of peltorinances at functions and events within and outside the school. During first term 111e In usical. "TITe Boyfriend". was rehearsed and presented in conjunction willt B. G. S Miss Bi'on WIT MyGIS reheai'sed tlte band and Miss Trisha Cook assisted in the training of the vocalists for tliis well I'eceived Musical
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