1990 School Magazine
VOLLEYBALL TOUR At two am. o11 the tliirtietli o11une, while most people wei'e asleep. the A. B. and C glade volleyballteams were making their way across the tarinac to our huge Air New Zealand aeroplane. No. we were not dieaming; we were leaving on the long awaited volleyball tour. We had heelt 11'aining siiTce the first week of school under the expert direction of Mrs Piispaneii and Miss Bolton. and we wei'e ready to compete in tlIe Inaugtiral Trans Tasman Sportswell Secondary Schools Challenge. being held in Auckland We stayed in a camp situation with schools froiTT around AUSti'alia and New Zealand. Despite little sleep. cold showei's and less than sci. Limptious food. we 11ad a great lime. We Inade many new fi'iends. both o11 and off the volleyball coui'I. TITe competition was held ovei' three days ai}d. althougli none of our teams was placed. they all improved greatly. We Ihoi'oughly enjoyed the medal presentation night WITicli included dinner and a disco. A 111Ty dance noor crowded witli two nundred excited students and their teachei's has to be seen to be believed WillI the compeliiioii behind us. we were free to enjoy oui' I'Ginaining tlii'ee days as we wished. Our competent bus driver. Bill. planned an illnei'ai'y for us which included visits to tilernial pools. waterslides. a gondola. bobsled. extinct volcano. bubbling mud pools. many shopping centres. national parks. Maoi'i reserves. ice-cieam shops. and scenic bus tours. We presented him willI our school badge and a beautiful 11ai'd cover book about Australia for all Ills lielp. WillI ouI' suitcases laden willI many souvenirs of watches. gifts. and 'cheap' Canterbury jei'seys we boai'ded o111' plane hoiiie. Oui' reflections on the great time we'<1 11ad were somewlTat Intel'rLipied when we rotind that we shaled oui' cabin willI the returning BBC. I'tigby IOUi'!
Our ti'IP was a roaring success with a strong leani spirit being established. My sincerest thanks to Mrs Piispanen and Miss Boltoii for' tileii' commitment and friendship while o1T the torii'. Congi'atulations to all the gills involved for' the wonderful atmosphere and tremendous enthusiasm
Cathj, F1}Id/cry
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Cathy rindlay, Kacey Painck, Karen Laing.
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