1990 School Magazine
With School Day ill third terni providing a wonderful opportunity to present our club to non-members and parents, a video of one of our meetings was prepared as well as a display. Zenith is not just about club administration - it also involves talking. and this we certainly did a lot oil Dunno the year OUT topics of discussion were challenging and varied. some of them being "Racism", "The Lambada Dance", "Why Not?" and "Food for Thought". Members were given the opportunity and encouraged to express their views during the meetings. As they year progressed, much talent was recognised within the club and any willing members were assigned speaking tasks. With an increase in membership of a third. our club has made fantastic progress this year. I have enjoyed watching individual members making significant improvement in their communication skills. and shared their satisfaction in achieving the goals which they set for themselves. The year has been challenging and exciting for me, but would not have been so. without the untiring support of the whole club. I want to especially thank Patricia Rowe, Caitlin Barry, Iacinta Hamer, Mrs Dakin and Mrs Riggs for the encouragemeitt and support they gave me, especially when important decisions had to be made Thanks once again to all Zenith members for a fantastic year. I am sincerely looking forward to being part of the club for the last time in 1991!
Tara Marsh PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT: Pail'icia Rowe Calllin Barry SECRETARY Jacinta Harrier TREASURER:
Mrs Dakin. Mrs Riggs STAFF: 1990 has been yet an o1hei. highly successful and profitable year for the B. G. G. S. Zenitl\ Club Members First term saw us coming together as a club. welcoming new members and learning our new positions as office bearei's. After a few nerves o11 the part of myself as the new President and also of new members. the club soon swung iitto action and settled down to a regtilar routine. We set off in the right direction by deciding to donate the money we had in our bank account to the 'Save the Children Fund' In May. our club established correspondence with the New Holland Zenith Club in Pennsylvania, USA. In doing so. 11Tembers of both clubs learnt about each other's Zenith activities. personal interests and way of life. Later in second term we invited a guest speaker, Ms Vicki Bennett, to one of our meetings. Ms Bennettis a professional public speaker. training consultant and author and she effective Iy displayed these talents in the very impressive and entertaining speech she delivered. Ms Bennett also kindly presented us with four copies of her highly amusing book Flogiu!?line to Succeed WITich have since been donated to the library
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ZENITH Back Row (L-R): C. Barry, V. Chui, P. Reseck, A. Hawley, A. Williams, S. Davidson, L. Cohn, H. Fisher. 3rd Row: C. Breipohl, P. Rowe, D. Jeremy, Z. Nielsen, F-H. Wong, K. Mills, J. Harper, T. Grice, M. Burns, C. Auld. 2nd Row: J. Sing, I. Fisher, F. Us lie, Mrs J. Dakin, Mrs J. Riggs. F. Schubert, T. Marsh, R. Roebuck. Front Row: A. Cohn, B. Dunne, B. Marsh, M. Ho, M. Vandeleur, L. Rees.
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