1990 School Magazine


PIOvide a fortini for communication between Mrs Hancock and the students, and the S. R. C. repi. esentatives, this year being the class captains. are the essential links between the S. R. C. and the student body Monthly repoi'ts from the school's Brisbane City Student Council representatives. 10 Drewe and Victoi'ia Ki'emmer, have kept lis informed of the complaints and suggestions of school students throughout Brisbane, and of the impi'ovements being planned foi' the benefit of Bi'ishane school students The new forITTat oftlie Student Representative Council has proven to be higlily successful and PI'oductive this yeai', and should ensui'e the development of the S. R. C. 's illTportant ItInctioii witliiii tlie school community

The S. R. C. has developed this year according to the Constitution, which was rewritten at the end of 1989. Mrs Hancock, Mr Dale and Miss Hatton attended the fortnightly meetings at whicli students have the opportunity to raise issues that are of concern to the girls with Mrs Hancock. The formal style of these ITieetings has proved extremely successful and has ensured that student concerns are discussed and reviewed The S. R. C. is animportant organization witliin the school community which allows students to express their ideas for the improvement of school life. The S. R. C. 's role is to

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S. R. C. Back Row (L-R): R. Allman, J. Conoplia, C. Barry, R. Conoplia, E. Granger, R. Whalan, N. Taylor, E. Green. 3rd Row: Z. Knights, J. Drewe, V. Kremmer, F. Yales, J. Crombie, C. Findlay, J. Webster, C. Peel, L. Bourne. 2nd Row: D. Ruedegger, R. Farmer, K. Wenzell, N. Marley, E. Beer, E. Rusher, A. Wilson, I. Royston, F. Woolcock. Front Row: R. Boldery, C. Astley, M. Coininos, J. Mariel, M. Kimbell, K. Vann, J. Sing, K. Wainwright, J. Large.


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