1990 School Magazine
again astonishingIy successful. We sold items from the shelter and ran a competition which involved trying to match the pet with the teacher. Our pet food tin collection was grateful Iy accepted by the shelter that welcomes not only financial support but any other kind of help available I would like to express my appreciation to Miss Tennant and my thanks to the members who supported me throughout the year. I wish next year's club the best of luck in their efforts to assist "all creatures great and small".
R. S. P. C. A. This year. many more Student Crusaders became involved in helping the R'S. PC. A. 'Campaign against cruelty'. The club's major aims were to give information about animal care and to raise funds to help the animals in our community. Last year our president said that we wanted to be positive rather than negative. The club has continued with this. We know of the horrible things that are happening but we prefer to dwell on the positive aspects. The club continued its usual fundraising activities: the cake drive and the famous sweet stall. School Day was
Point^^ Rowe
R, S. P. C. A.
Back Row (L-R): L. Pomery, J. Watson, N. Lowe, B. Woodhead, S. Chapman, J. Conoplia, H. Fisher 2nd Row: T. Kork"obel, R. Keays, P. Rowe, C. Stone, C. Auld, A. Ament, C. Breipohl, A. Domey. Front Row: S. Rofail, M. Hadgraft, I. Fisher, Miss T. Tennant, R. Geisal, H. Gunaratrie, A. Hobson.
which students of any school may attend. This dance has been proposed as a task for next year's Council because of
a need for sponsors and a location.
The City of Brisbane Student Council serves to benefit the student body as a whole. The Council consists of representatives from both public and private schools, who work together to find ways in which conditions can be
Mr Braddy, the Education Minster. spoke to the Council concerning the present education system. It was a good opportunity for the students to voice their opinions on the system and put forward any suggestions for consideration. Mr Braddy proved to be very understanding of student
improved for students'
The main aims for this year's Council included the needs and took note of some of the suggestions made. breaking down of barriers between private and public schools, the installation of a universal ID. System, to be A1 h h h c 'I ' o1 widel known, it is a Ve valid after the New Year, for all types Of public transport, h I f, j o, an is at ion which enables students to voice their and increasing student awareness of the assessment opinions on subjects which concern them processes such as the present T. E. system. Picioria Kremmer To help break down the barriers between private and Josephihe Drewe public schools. the Council would like to hold a dance
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