1990 School Magazine

stall and a Seafood Rame held in aid orthe Flood Appeal We also served refreshments at the school production of 'The Boyfriend' and Boys' Grammar's production of 'Snippets'. Interact has also held two car washes over the past year. one at the Garage Sale, which ran over two consecutive days. and one on School Day. I would like to thank all members who participated in these ventures. Within the School Interact held a very successful stamp competition. Congratulations to Eight Lilley for being the class group which collected the greatest number of stamps Overall35,100 stamps were collected. This will help to jinmunize 4000 children against polio Sunday mornings were bravely given up by Interact members to participate in doorknocks for the Red Cross Shield Appeal and the Salvation Army I would like to thank Mr Emery, our teacher representative. for his support and advice, and this year's Board Nik Haines, Cathy Brown, Denise Ieremy, Louise MCLachlan, Cassie Rickarby and Allison Bowcock - for their enthusiasm and support Flewi. Min7iii Resideiii


The KITSten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee was established when a B. G. G. S. student. Kirsten Jack. died of Ieukaeniia. The ajiTi of the ConTiiiitteeis to raise ITToney to donate to research into Ieukaemia We nave had a very busy year willI all of 111e In embers participating ill various activities. such as 11Te Easter Egg rame. a cake and coffee stall at tlie Inter-House Drama. a 1011y di'ive. a screen print raffle. and a hot dog stall on School Day. All 111ese activities have been very successful and we hope oui' Christmas Tame will be equally successful Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Jack foi. the beautiful screen print by Mai'y Williams. which they donated foi' the Tame. and to MTS Kimber and Mis Hukins to 1'1heirvaluable time in helping organise our activities. Vice-president Nicole Wood and Cathy Goodwin must also be Inentioned as they too have devoted valuable time to our cause

S. Watson

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Back Row (L-R): C. Goodwin, J. Rogers, A. Williams, R. Appleton. 2nd Row: A. Crowther, L. MCKenzie, J. Crombie, E. Wood, F-H. Wong, A. Chandler, B. Hall. Front Row: M. Hadgrafl, M. Green, S. Watson (President), Mrs K. Kimber, N. Wood (Secretary), P. Bunce, J. Reynolds.


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