1990 School Magazine

I, S. C. F.


Our Family We itTeet Friday lunch, Grades Twelve down to Eight

Aslwalk up the corridorin my house one certificate on the wall always catches my eye. it is Iny Dad's Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award and this is one of the reasons that I got involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme when I was in Grade Nine. The Award is divided into foul' categories: Physical Recreation. Skills, Service and Expioration/Expedition and candidates for the Gold Award also complete a Residential Project which involves living away from home for five days in a situation they normally would not be in Throughoutiny timein the Duke of Edinburgh schemel have rowed. sailed. played piano, tried to improve nTy Frencli. ITelped at Lady Gowne Day Care Centre and participated in five camps. With only two more camps. a visit to Japan and a few more hours sailing. becoming a cinematogi. apher and playing hide and seek I will nave reached what I set out to do; I will have gained my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Many people would not realize that they may already be doing half of the requirements for the award. Even if walking through the pouring rain down a cliff face singing "Alwayslook on the bi. ioht side of life" and thinking of new methods to remove the leeches crawling Into your sandshoes. sound Ieri'Ible. you nleet some terrific people and when you receive the letter saying you passed yoti feel Dietty terrific. So as the Olympians say "Go for Gold" or Bronze or Silver and if you work out a way to get rid of the leeches tell 111e! Durino the year Susan Grant received her Bi'o1Tze Award and Silver Awards were approved for' NICole Fisher. Allson MCCallum, Minam Axelsen and Fiona Eacott. Around thirty other girls are working on Awards at various levels, and some will soon have completed them. Ajison MCCnllum. yeni. 11

There's food to share If you aren't too late. (But it doesn't last long 'Cause no matter what else Deep down inside We're well-trained Grammar Girls. ) Seriously though. During all the fun We forIn friendships. have arguments, Join together as one Our whole aim. as you know. is to worship the Lord But on the way we do everything So don't think you'd be bored

Our leader was Sue But she's leaving this year God's leading ITer away from Witere she's so dear But it doesn't really matter Who heads our group For God's always in charge of His World-wide ti'oupe

So if life lets you down And you see 110 way out

I, S. CF. members Are always about We don't claim to be perfect. We're nowhere near It. But we have found an answer if you want to hear it. The answer to everything lies in God.

Is. CF. (Inter-school Cltristian Fellowship) is a world- wide oroanization associated with Scripture Union. WITich seeks to show how Christianity is relevantin today's world. The theme of The Fellowship is to "Know God and niake Him Known". The Fellowship meets weekly for prayer ai\d sharing. Members are also involved in all extensive holiday camping program TITis year our Fellowship has had about lifteei\ regulars. One highlight of the year has been a Toasted Sandwich Stall on School Day. We nave also had picnics. dinners. and training events. Our discussion topics have included "Who Jesus Was". "World Peace" and "Why Jesus Died" INTERACT Another successful interact year has passed. The club has raised $7500 which has been sent to various charities including Radio Lollipop. the Salvation Army. Lifeline. Red Cross and the Flood Appeal. Fundraising activities over the past year have included several 10/11e drives. which raised over $1300. a Sno-cone SI!e Hoti, ni. d (Cool'than rod

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DUKE OF EDINBURGH SCHEME SILVER MEDAL WINNERS Back Row (L-R): A. MCCallum, M. Axelsen. Front Row: F. Eacott, N. Fisher.


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