1990 School Magazine
As a result from papers a quiz evening and two balloon debates have been held. These proved both enjoyable and successful. Balloon debates are hypothetical issues addressed by group input. in the course of which highly innovative decisions are made. Judging from the enthusiastic response, this new idea worked extremely well Thanks must be extended to Mr Dale. Mr Short. Mrs Colwill and Mrs Seckold fortheir support and enthusiasm throughout the year. it has been a memorable year for participation and I wish the Athene Club of 1991 an equally enjoyable year
ATHENE CLUB The At hene Club is comprised of Year Eleven and Year Twelve students from BCG. S. and B. G. S. The main objective of Athene is to "provide a toI'urn where students call go further in the pursuit of intellectual development than is available in the normal classroom situation". This is done through the presentation and discussion of papei's o11 a variety of topics in a relaxed atnTosphere. 1990 has seen inany newtopics of debate argued heatedly. and some less original but equally controversial discussed with strong conviction. The year was launched with a paper by Daschiell Lipscomb. the President. examining gender 1'01es. The papei's nave covered a vast range of topics nom The Legalization of Prostitution to Australia's involvement in the connict between Iraq and Kuwait: h'onI Religious Cults to Censorship of Children's Books
Penelope MCBi. ide Sec, Violy
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ATHENE CLUB Back Row: K Vann, J. Martel, S. Williamson, E. Granger. J. Niowhray. N. Taylor, I\I. Axelscn. Middle Row: A. Ament, C. Robinson. P. MCBride, J. Peel, E. Blackford, E. Edge, C. Margerison, F. de aat. Front Row: M. Coininos, B. Kennedy. Mr A. Dale. E. Mackenzie. Mrs L. Seckold, L. Thornsett. T. ars . Absent: Mrs R. Colwill.
to the top of the debating ladder. Two of our Apex debating teams reached the finals: the Year Nine and a Year Eight team. The Year Nine team travelled to Maroochydore to debate and thougli they lost they had a wonderful time. The Year Nine team is yet to debate. but they will no doubt do a great job Many girls have participated in public speaking competitions. Bonnie Kennedy. Kylie Vann and Elizabeth Edge entered tlte Lions "Youth of the Year" contest and Elizabetll proceeded as far as the regional finals. Bonnie Kennedy competed in and won the Quota "Student of the Year" competition. Katherine Robinson and Johanna Sing participated in Rostrum Voice of Youth and Natalie Taylor competed in the Plain English Speaking Contest. There ale numerous speaking competitions within the school. This yeai'. Emma Robinson (low) won the Junior divisioiT of the Mene Weaver Annual Interhouse The Senior division is to be held in Term Competition
DEBATING Three main species co-exist within the boundaries of Brisbane Girls' Grammar: the sportswomen, the musos and ... the debaters. Debaters are easily distinguish able They are the slitty-eyed recluses who nervously roam the school. muttering "Ladies and Gentlemen. Chairman". They continually pull spare palm-cards out of their pockets. becomejibbering wrecks at the sound of bells and sheepishly cover the debating pockets on their blazers. We know that our fellow students consider us square, boring and painful Iy intellectual. but debating Is increasing in popularity and B. G. G. S. debaters and public speakers are meeting with great success The Q. D. U. debating teams have performed exceptionally well. Five of the eight teams will proceed to the final rounds. Senior A. Senior B(2). Junior A. Junior B(2) and Junior B(I). and with our famous Grammar charm and our infamous skill we have a very good chance orclimbing
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