1990 School Magazine


Apartheid. and the problems her people are facing. DrJan BIOk, of the Rainforest Preservation Society gave an illuminating address o11 the cyclic pattern of rainforest ecology. Finally, in October. we were told of 11Te work of Amnesty International. this being illustrated by a moving video Apart from the Annual Peace Rally on Paliii Sunday. a highlight of the year was the international peace link-up o11 Hiroshima Day. AlthoLigh we Inissed our clTance to speak during the phone conference we gained a more significant experience. listening to coinmeiTts from othei. countries. Oui' School Day conti'Ibution, the sweet stall of environmentally friendly and natural goods, Iaised ninety dollars Overall, Am ani 11ad a vei'y successful yeai'. We siiTcerely wish to thank Mrs Hadgrafrlbr all heI. great support and effort ill organizing Am an I, Mrs Riggs. and all the members who suppoi'led as throughout the year Best luck to the o1'ganisers and niembers of Am ani next year and Inay Captain Greenpeace be with yoLi!

AMANl Am an its a peace grotip within the school, concerned with current social and environmental awareness issues. This year, dutiiig Brisbane's declared "Year of the Environment" and Am an i's liftli year at the school, group attendance and involvement in discussion at our meetings, have surged impressively. Due to the Gritliusiasm and interest of our members, Am an I has seen through an enjoyable and active year. At appropriate times in the year, Am ani raises funds for. the benefit of groups such as UNICEF. Save the Children and Amnesty International who require assistance. During our weekly nieetings Mrs Riggs occasionally came and inspired involved and educational discussions on 'PMl's" - the treatment of ideas - to assist the development of clear thoughts We were fLirther enlightened during the year by guest speakers who were invited to come and talk to the group The Environmental Officer from the Brisbane City Council brought all ai'ray of plastic containers to disctiss recycling, and offei'ed Lis some Liseful hints. Our second speaker was Rotary EXchange Student, Corinne Botha* F1'0m South Africa. She gave us her personal views on

Pairicia Rowe Genevieve Gee


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AMANl Back Row (L-R): K. Laing, C. MOScato, N. Haines, L. MeLachlin, S. Lee, M. Lawson, G. Gee. 2nd Row: J. Falvey, P. Rowe, Mrs S. Hadgraft, M. Lethbridge, B. Dann, S. Hogarth. Front Row: A. Khursandi, K. Me Doriald, K. Patrick, D. Jeremy.



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