1990 School Magazine

HEAD BOARDERS' REPORT 1990 has been another successful and interesting year toI' the B. G. G. S. Boarding House. 011 30th Januai'y we welcomed sixteen bright and bouncing Grade Eight gills. WITo were swift to settle in with the help of the Yeai' Nines. in what was a composite dollnitory for the hist seinestei' We were alsojoined by two new mistresses. Miss Tilley and Ms MCDuff We opened the year willI a day fLill of water slides and sunburn at Amazons, for our annual boarders' picnic Soon after, we were invited to a dance for all grades at Brisbane Grammar School. which was the forerunner of various coffee nights with Graininai' and Marist Brothers. 111 second term the girls produced a fail'Iy impi'omptu but often hilarious conceit for In embers of the Boarding House only, which inspired many of tlie acts pel'formed

later in the year in a 1110re forInal performance foi' family and fi'lends. This concei'iproved to be tlie 11igli point of a day orgaiTized so tliat Inariy of the pal'ents collld meet and have a bai'he cue IunclT witli otlier parents and girls, The conceit. o1'iginally intended to be a It111 In usicial pel'to I'm ance by tlie boai'del's o1' "The Pyjaiiia Gaine". ended up as a selection of songs complimented by several other miscellaneous acts. Against all odds. tlie artei'noon was all undeniable 11'jumph. largely thanks to the expel'I o1'ganisatioii and exhaustive effoi'is of Mrs Best and Karen Laing in Year Eleven School Day also occui'led ai'ound this time. and 111e boai'ders outdid themselves 111 the woi'Id of hot chips and tomato sauce. coinei'ing the Frencli Fries Inarket and raking in ITUge pionts. TITanks 111ust go to Ken and tlie kitchen staff foi' the 11' lielp. 1101 only o11 School Day. but Ihi'ougliout the year

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YEAR TWELVE BOARDERS Back Row: (LR): S. Proctor, A. Williams, V. Eden, J. Day, E Appleton


2nd Row: D. Beatty, F-H. Wong, T'smith, S. Burge, L. Alderson, T. Merte"s, N. Shrapnel Front: S. Tilney, H. Ford, N. Cordon, L. Thornsett, M. Kimbell, D. Jeremy, B. Kennedy Absent: R. Soediarto


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