1990 School Magazine

However. without the help of Mrs Hancock. Sister Wheelwright. the mistresses and the staff who conducted junior prep. the year would neither have run so smoothly nor have been so eventful. The efforts of the dorm seniors, Megaii Kimbell and Najasha GOTdoiT for. Year Eleven. Vicki Eden and Tanja Mertens for Year Ten. Samaya Tilney and Nina Shrapnel for Year Nine. and Susan Proctor and Heldi Ford for Year Eight. nave also been greatly appreciated. Oui' indispensable Mail Girls, Rebecca Allman and Paula Reseck. must be acknowledged and applauded as well On tile whole. 1990 has been a ITappy and memorable year for the Boarding House. which is still. without doubt. the backbone of the school

Katlirine MCDonald and Emma Appleton designed a bright and novel Boarders' T-shirt this year. witl\ our 1110/10. 100% Boarder. Ginblazoned across the front in illdescent pink. The day girls turned iridescent green with envv Tile restoretioiT of the Boardii\g House continued this year witlt the addition of some glamorous new bathrooms for the use of 111e seniorgirls. FtiltlTel' renovations are viewed with anticipatioi\ as a result of the success of these first bathi'o0ms Dui'ing the year the boarders up held their usual high level of pal'ticipation in the day school. Contributions froiTt our girls were seenin allai'Gas of sport. nTusic. public speaking and drama

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Back Row (L-R): M. Lawson. A. Counsell, L. Robinson. C. Muscato, P. Long. J. Day. V. Eden, F. Humphris. A. Williams. S. Scott. I\. Hoshi a, P. Reseck, B. Williams 6th Row: J. Crumbie, N. Lowe. S. watson, J. Can, . K. Me Doriald, L. Anderson. S. Proctor. L. \\alker, R. Allman. K. I o} e. ini reen. K. Laing. E. Wood 5th Row: G. Hall. D. Beatty, F-H Wong. A. NICGregor. J. \\'atson. S. Meyers. I. Falvey. S. Hogarth, M. Lethbridge. L. Mi er. urge. i pa ric , N. Shrapnel 4rd Row: S. Rohl. B. Kennedy. M. Bochmann. L. Roberts. Z. Nielsen. S. Batson. H. Ford. T. Mertens. I\. Cordon. M. Kimhe . erson, i ney 3rd Row: F. Tiong. A. Khursandi. N. Seihel. K. Lewis, M. Scott. R. Soediarto. S. BOSanquet. R. Gray, L. Maceheroni. L. MeKenzie. arey. o0 sir, T. Loos 2nd Row: M. BOSanquet, A. Woolrych. D. Dillon. S. Dowling. C. Leishman. C. Khursandi. J. \\aite. K. Henzell. R. 01ver. T. Frec ington. wyer, K. MCCready. J. Cull. B. Dunne Front Row: J. Large. M. Scott. Sr G. Wheelwright. E. Appleton. Mrs J. Hancock. L. Thornselt. I\Irs J. Best. C. Astley, A. e us


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