1990 School Magazine

The 1990 scliool year was bi'ought to a close. as it is ti'adjtionally. by the Year Twelve Valedictory Dinner and End of Year Assembly. Both are happy and sad occasions for the Year Twelves as they reflect upon the many friends and ITtemories that theiryears at Brisbane Girls' Grammar have left them with Finally. we must say how proud we are to have been able to represent B. G. G. S. this year. Sincere thanks must go to the students, in particular the Year Twelves, whose unending friendship and CO-OPei'ation made the year the success that it was. Thank you to Mrs Hancock, Mr Dale. Miss Hatton and the staff for all their support ai}d guidance 1990 has certainly been a memorable year and one that we are extremely glad to have been a part of. 10nnnu Malt/ tind Kyfie Kirin

HEAD GIRLS' REPORT Our year as Head Gii'Is. froiii its outset, was destined to be the most cliallenging of our five years at B. G. G. S. : nowever. the year would not have been as enjoyable witliotit the support of the dedicated Prefects and the Year Twelve body First tel'in began with the Year Eiglit Orientation Day. and for us it seented such a short time ITad passed since we had been in that position. in early February. the Prefect Induction took place and the Pierects immediately filled their role as school "law enfoi'CGrs". h was comforting to know that we had such ait eager and responsible group of girls supporting us 1990 sawthe continuation o11he Restoration and Building Fund Appeal. and logethei' we attended various tnnctions in SLIPport of this. OUT secoi}d annual Fun Run took place lit April and once again provided aiT opportunity for school families and fi. iends to come together for a day that was enjoyed by all present Froin the start of the year the Prefects' Inajor aim was to increase the level of school spirit. h was apparent at the first of the Q. G. S. S. S. A. competitions. the interschool swimming. that this aim was well on its way to being achieved. This initial show of support froiTT the girls was tremendous. and was evident at subsequent Q. G. S. S. S. A and InterITOuse competitions Scliool Day was held on August 18. and once again doors were opened for school families. friends and the general public to see the school on show. The highlights of School Day included the combined BOS. /B. G. CS. debate. the Year Twelve Fashion Parade and the Market Place.




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PREFECTS Back Row (L-R): L. Bourne, S. Rowley, E. Papas, I. Player, M. Wilcox, J. Skowronski, L. Seaman 2nd Row: C. Rickarby, B. Kennedy. R. Grice. E. Andrews, P. MCBride. K. Robinson, E. Edge, M. Kimbell Front: Ilylr A. Dale, L. Thornsett, J. Mariel. Mrs J. Hancock, K. Vann, E. Appleton. \. liss E. Halton


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