1990 School Magazine


ffwe me 10 lei, INe owl' minig SOC'I'e0, . 11 1,111 be nettssdiJ, /o1' us 10 itnineihni M, e ni'e rr// Julei?70de1. $10!'.$017ie o1/7e/'s. 11, e o11p!UVi'de skindm. ofs q/bendvi'owl. . ^!noin/17j, , of 1111eg!'10, inId even of coivtipiioii. 101' of he13 10,10/10M, .' we (/ecidc skilldai'ds offnsie, good in?of bar/. MYnt/I o1/1ei:, ei?Iu/rife. tmd bJ, owl' 3/1/71)o17 o1' o1heit-, ise lye es!db/!:\/I 1/7e levels q/' 1/11el/eciurrl diiru. s. Moil rind politicul ofeb(Ile Ifh!di we rut PI'endi'ed 10 role!tile Asi/Ielore Pity'essoi'Lei'c'esiei' Webb srii'd1/7/70, J, eru's rigo ill n College of Edu('dii'o11 0!till'o17 - 'Intr/I is educated bj, 1/1e told/^fy of society andthereis no subsiiiute/old rev)on SI'b/e society '. "





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Mrs J. Hancock

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furodQj, :, worldihe!'e rinpeoi'SIo be agediei' need/o1' Q sense of belong!'/Ig. u sense 41tteiiii'ty based off closeit/dii'on shins, findd Anise 4111enni!Ig based o11 d PI'edeiei'mined pulpose/o1' life. hunt'e 17/01'e direi?lion is being/ocused on 1/7e role of Ihe School u, ifh^^I Inc Ifide}. coinniwn!'ty lye liei. (civ, IhQi poralIs me Ihe Innne educrviois of' Iheii' ch!IdlerI inIdi/idleducnii'o11 is ,I shintd iesp0"51b^^fy between hullie inId school. Within Ih!:s I'mewo!'k d (/



Mr M. Howell

C/edify. 11, e were I)1'1vilege(/ 10 be given Ihe on/)OJTtin!'ry 10 u(knowledge Ihe e/1017nou*^'o111/1'hulloii 10 cductrii'o11 M, 11hih o111' cowniiy I'mofe by 1/11'. s leii'fillg Pinicil)ul of Bi'Ish, 111e Ginmmu!. School MU}DJ On/)o11uiii'!It's (1)'e I)JOY!'ded 101' 1111e!ticii'o11 willI o1hei' Achoo/s inId fly well fib glow). s 1,111i illdrv!irudl. s 1/11'0u0/I 3,017, c'/lib ucii'vitits. 17TH SIC. ofeb"ling. 17ubtrc wink^^Ig uiid seivice. 10 lidi?Ie/'usI'lleu'. 7/1c. ,e ex/?clie}Icesgi're dayi/I rind colou!'10 Ihe foml ciii'!'ICJ!/will 1,111ii7i 1/1e School Ihi, I, cdi' the/biv?1,110//heM(Igt!2111c htr. s been ^^rungedi'/I olde} 10 e/iconiptiss Ihe or'flyit!A w/Hui lidve DCcui'led lion? Seine!?Ibei. 1989 trill!'/ Soyiei?Ibei. 1990. We fro/Je Ih(nib}'oug/I the. /0110w!'/Ig^ruge. \you 11,111en/by, .slidi'!'/Ig u, 1'117 u. s $017iel/?Ing of the will offhe School d/Id Ihe '01/1/1'bun0/I 11 rimkes 10 Ihe u, I'dei' coini?? wnity



Iudri/I4. Hullcock flint. ly)nl



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