1990 School Magazine

EDITORIAL Nil Sine Laboi'e. As school 1110tto it has resounded in my ears countless times as I waded througlT endless assignments. exams and co- curricular activities. This motto has become synonymous with the spirit orchallenge and determined effort which has placed tills school's past students in a wide range of professions and careers all over the world The basis to I' this success calll, e found in the cheerful. if SIIohtly masochistIC. deter minatioi\ witlT which the students of this school approach the innumerable activities and duties they have accepted responsibility for As I flip through last year's Inagazine it is obvious that the scope of these activities is enormous Ginbi'acing every ing f^o1tt the sports teams to the numerous itTusic groups to all 111e other school clubs. it seems to me that the nTotto Nil Sine Labore niight well be changed to "11T Pursuit of Excellence" in recognition of this dedicated enthusiasm Represented ill tlTe pages of the 1990 School Magazine is the suni and total of the vai'IOUs endeavours willch the B. G. G. S. students have undertaken dui. ing this year and it is due in ITo small part to the concerted effort of Mrs Kiolle. MTS Hadgraft. Mrs KiiTiber and the Magazine ConTinittee that the School Magazine once again appears in print. Felltio de Ldoi

MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Felicia de Laat Cassandra Rickarby


Editor Alt Editoi's

Makaella Conias Madeline Bowe


Lorena Cappellone Rebccca Conoplia Emil\, Mackenzie Colinette Margenson

Rebecca MIChele KGi'eit Summerson Alexancli. a Williams Photogi'aphers: Lynda Cainpbell Megaii Kimbell KGrei\ Summei'son Kvlie Vann






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I\IAGAZINE COM11yllTTEE Back Row (L-R): Mrs S. Hadgraft, Mrs K. Kimber, A. Williams, L. Cappellone. R. Conoplia. Mrs C. Kiolle 2nd Row: K. Summerson, C. Margerison, F. de Laat. M. Kimbell. E. I\lackenzie Front: M Bowe, L. Campbell, K. Vann, R. Miehele. C. Rickarby


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