1990 School Magazine
Cullvi, o1' Ihe Gold Coils/ is. q/cowlsc. 1/1eIn/)rule. \e. Meditr dire/?lion, nio!wovei', r's Ibc!, sec/ o11 1/1e 'bi^" I'lld. srile. s. MCIi ti. \ Lolle Pine Konld SrinciuniJ, . Koo!n/bJ, /I Pulley Re. sol7. d/Idi/if deve/o1,171eiii of the nunsdki' Re. $011 liedi' yen/)o011. T/Ie of isglisi the 171edrd. /t'/in boilti/lese. soles 11, n. $1bc!ised o11 1/1efic'filmii/icy Wei'e vein Allsi!'dfidi? Joujis'I trillwciio!i, s o11(/ 11 choir/d I)e AUSirdtrons who receiverhe platis. 7/7e med^^ do norie// us. however. Ihe I. eosons behind Ihe sri/e offhese pioneities oi. Ihe yesuli^^g benefits In Inc cdSe of Lone Pine 11htr. \ been at/eye(/ flint 1/1epier!'o11. , 171dimgei?leiii ul/owed 1/1e '11/1'171d1. \ 10 go hill?gill so Ihniii/iru 1011/1'. Vs c'di?Ie flier 11,011/d b, ' diiuke nild ei, ei' ., eekii!g .food Non, (Id(u, .s1/7e/ori/^tits hdi'e he'll unginded o17d msid!nowiii. , q/nioiieJJ hrrve he'll snelliio Innkei/Ie '11/1?in/.\ nildi/leioui'I'. V. \ 1,101'e '01/10/7rrb/e. Rat/leiVim! ninth, inking o1, ei'inId milling Ihc PIOfii. \ ofsuc/I n M, o11deifi/ 1011/1'SI dinnc'1101i. (is Ihe 111cd!11 In of Itdie. Inclrr/)rules'e171n"dgeiiieiiihd. s. yie/111uige milo!fills' of moneyi?ink!71gLone Pinei, ?10 drolli'I'Si(!inari!'o11 o111/1/1 11 boih AUSii'dtrdii. \ inId Joy)rulese coli 17c1,101id 7/1e Inn's, Iki Re. so!7Is in?o1/1ei' exdiii/)/c of 11, hdiIhe Joy)ruleAt hdve done. 1101. tinyYy /bi' the, 11n/uno}ipeo/)/e billtr/solo!' the I'lldinIdihe rilli'I'm/s. 7/1e Inert^tr I'e/)o1'1e(/Ihe sale off/lis vd. \! runouni of Queeiis/diid leiv'iron, CIS niloihe!' or/e!?IPI I)I, Inc Id/)rulese 10 Idke ovei. in ruind/ foci Ihc Id!Id boilg/11 by MJ 11v(Isdki I'ds Ironui?I colliii!,,. 11, he! e 1/1ei'e 11, ei'e I'm/11, nori'I, c trill/?kilt inIdplmiis. inId mild o1/11, /lidi 1111u. sI'dIT dint'1/1/10 build. 7/1diik. , to M!. nun. \nki:\ Inn(/.\ dii(/ inc geniti. \ q1' h!'.\ inchi7e('I. d he'lliru/ I'e. so}'I 11, d. \ b!!!'/I in^d inc lidii'VC milliin/.\. pin!?is. diidii?es hare been 1,111{/Idisiiiibed. 711,111, n. \"A^^r, soi7 is' d diffi('Mirp/rrce 10 gel 10 inId OJT^lid//j, Mi'Iwrr. \(Iki, '!liendcd lopui!'!I ori In rel7ioii'on dini}'311'4') 10 I'm kern?101'e ticces. w'b/e. Hc let'eivedpei7?lis. won /1,111 1/1e Qweeiis/diid Sidle Gol, '17/1/7eiii10 do 1/11\. Hdv!'fig/rr/leii in love willI 1/1ep/dce. froit, e\, e!'. he dec!ded nor 10 PHI In file rutsi, 'info}'/eru' the/'eis u, ou/df'Ig/lieii trimJ, nionj, of Ihe native Q!?!'171Q/sinId b!7th. Eyew!'111esses sQj, IhrriMi' At, dinkiwi, owldiievei' do onin/ting 10 hmv?I 1/7ep/dce ond tit he makes. /i'equeiiidi'lyes o10u, Id Ihe I'e. $017 he gels o1/110 pornve. s he frosgi'own solondnndpi'oudqjNone off/leseposiiiYepoi'!lis i's evei. merinoned bJ, Ihe med^^. noweveJ. . rindpei. /runs finei'e win o triflei?101'eposi!I\, e/'owl'!inn's171.1/7eJdj)rulesei'i?ruge110u/d miniove rind 1/1ei'e would be less I'dc!'d/ jelly'on In Ihe med^^ thereis no merinon of the good thingsMr/warnki and other Japanesepeople dye doing/or Ihe environment, yei they Qre qtrick 10 pick un oil hQiv?!/u/ fiveci. s of Innanese life. 7/7e lorryI ourciy M, ns herduse of di'. y)OStrble cho/)slickJ. The di'. y)OSrrb/e choj)slicks mode of tvood u, /71th me used ill I'S'IQuin, lis In, Iy be mole hyg!'e!11'c bwii/icy die using un n linge trnioun/ of'wood. liseei?ISIhei??echtiui'e111,117gio dinM, dire!1110/1 mini, 1'01n A us11'01^^is own e!11,110!linenid/ issues by foulii}Ig rho. \e of o1/7ei' c'ou}111'ie. s. Asi/?eJrrj)onese med^tillHugegoes down, mole QiidniOi'esc'froo/ ch!Iditi?, 1017uiinieb, . are distoveling Ihe itd/^fy. By $1udyiiig IQpunese dischoolmoi. epeople huve become In feltsiedi'ii boih the cullure dndi/Ie/allgu(Ige. Todays!wdeiiiexcho}Iges between IQ/?on and4usii'dfin di'e 1701 unu. sudl ond, 1111, ICJ. 1/7ei'e die ti linge number qf scholarsh!I schemes UVailab/e. Slyei' sidles. ci'fits. andschoo/s hrvve sy)/\Ng un d/loveivilep/dce, yelli!viol? 10nnd meatrr covei'dge of uny school i}'!Is o1' scho/rush!I'S. The
10nd!Ie. \e '11/11/1. vimi?11bi' hci'jig at^If to t'o111m!1111crrie I'.\., o g!'erri illdi 1101 o1/11, d!'e .\c'/loini:,/11/7. s qyt, !'e(/ 1711 Inc I'll)nile. re 101' Id/)d/lese star^cii1. \ 11.15'fling 10 sill({I. ^'/I A tiffinfr(I. 17/11 atto foi' ,usfluffmi .\I!!delli. , 11.1'. shillg 10 .\111({\, ill .I'll)(1/1. 011e .\!!c h scho/dishiji is Monbusho which is nwdrded by Ihe Idpmie. re govei. rimeni. TheI'e o;'e severnlIPI)e. s of Moilbusho .$cho/n!:SI^Is CIMbli7ig (! All' 1111/1'ci:\!'11, .wildc/lis'10. \111({I, at (I^/A^till pint'CS 111 Id/)inI corn rein'. 7/1e I'll)diic. \e go\'civiliie/!Jimi, A' 161' in'!' fold nil(/ in'^^Ig ({v)c/I. VC. \ 101' Ih(' .\/ruleiii. \ 11'fill. $1 1'11 Joy)inI inId inTwigcA/)/' u('('o1/11/10(/diiOii inId 11n!\'atw41, c/in Wilt'C. If .teeni\ od(/Intri. MCIi tiI)uie/it 1/11. \('heni, . 101' boni coll!in'IC. \. Iru\' 1101 gdi/ICt/ gifrric! PI/I^/nib- 101' Ihcii litii'I Inc Joy)diie. \e h(11, e e/1<'011i'(!gcd 1111c/ci. A'mildi7io bell\'ccii 1/1e 1110 iron'o115' till(/ 171diii, A 11. \lid/^till I)colile Iruvc '10/1e likeii'i, sc billi?10. VIA 11. \/!'rr/^mix. sri'111'<11, o11 111,171cd!ti. inc^'!' chini!ICI Ib! <017/11/11iii'(till'oil o, 111,177m/1011. 10 gird 111,171 Inc ./mis' trbotii 11'hdi I'\' hay^/)'11/11g 1/1 Ihei'I' till, . .vinie. '01/1/1!I, . inId IhC 1101{(/. 0111bi7iiiM/C{I, . Jim1!I, 01 Ih('A'd A 11. \!!'(!I^^11. \ fit'((7)I 11'hdll/IC Inert!11 .\(11, ti\' Ihc trh. \o1/11(' 1111/11 inId. wrtli, 1/11'., is' 1101 nilt'(IT. \ Ihe c(I. \t, . 7/1c Incditi/)In, I, .\!!t. /I fill 1'171,0170, lipm'rill 11n' fortdj, Ihdi 11 I'.\ I'm, 11ni(/ 10 ill, o1'(/ Ivtr\c(/ 0!' .\Nlyt{. 111, c 10/1/71n/!.\!11.711,411. vim/11/11 171c, I^tr h(!I'd '10/1ci/I'll' he'llo17,111i inI I',?rugc qn(JIMii filldi/IC. /(!/)(111c\{^!.\ d gio!u) of^WWII\' 11'fro di'c 111,111g 10 I(Ik(, o1'c!' 411. intrfrrr '11/1,11, (11, Incl, tmi. Illsietr(/ of 171'0!?1011'Jig/)cor'c u/Id11/1(/c!:vimidi7ig belli'cell 1/1eiii, o c'owliii'it. \. inc Inc(fiti hm'c inkui CTCij. tv)/)o171/11/11,10 111,111/ Adj: Iront(/. nildlentoii. \I, 11/10 inc 411. \lint^till nilh/^I Inc 111edru 1/11(Igc IA I'd/. r difft, 1,111fi0!11 Ihc , cd/^TV. IC(!/!71, bciiio Inc hulld o11ii',/if/.\fill offder/ bi, Inc Joy)inICY. inc^'I 111<.!vd!771c killdiic\.\ 10 (,\'c'hullg, .\flirtc/11N. (/lid Ihc 111,111J, 10/11'ISI '10/1(111\ 111,111 11(11. <, ticdiC(/. 1171(IgC illl(/ I'd(1/1b, (11'C .\0177fii171e. \ 1111ei!?ling/c(/ inId o11 Ihe. VC o('({I. \lolls 11 rel?I\' 1/7e A us11'ul^till Inc(/^h d. \ vim (Is 411. \lidfrmi\' lice(/ 10 ncce/)I 1/1e Joy)rulesc goodii, 111 rri/ore lullie 11,111i0!11 dell, 111g 11/10 Ih, pdsiio onc, I lip o1(/ 1,011/I(/. s. 0,111u1!11'elfltr!10/13' ^clie/Id o11 o111' db^^tyro 11\, c logei/IeJ' ill nanc'e o11d h(1/7/1011i, . 7/1e flier/^ti .show/(/ 11. \e Inc^'!' skills diidpoii, e}'10,101?lores!!c/I inI end. 7/1eyi7iti. ,/ of 1511/1gui'A'h hemteii 1171trge diidivtr/fly inIdi/!/malicei/ifpt{bin'ISPci'('e/)/10/1 nccoidr/Igly
Coinieiie Muigei. ISOij. yem. 12
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