1990 School Magazine

JAPAN IN THE AUSTRALIAN MEDIA - IMAGE AND REALITY "JAPANESE To BUY Up QUEENSLAND" "ATROCIOUS JAPANESE WAR CRIMES" "CHOPSTICKS DEMAND WORLD WOOD SUPPLY" 11 I'.\ .VCIimi!'o11dl!tt{/ liedd/^}i's 11ke 1/10se ribovc Ihrri Inc 411\!!'d/Id!I nied!11 11kc 10 lis'e 1'11 It/di!'o11 10 Inc Joy)rulese. Eiio!Ig/I q/!he. /tic'/. s did piese!lied 10 lidi'111 n gill?I 1111dge inId o1/11nge incpi{hilt'. bullioieiio!Ig/1101'inept{blit' 10 .see Iheitul Ific'c of I'll)inI. Tonic nirv/'o1,101.1,117,111 I'S. ,find mj, sricn/I'lldivi'Ih (I I, eiT (/ofe!till ct!11/11'e flint 1/1ey doll711ndei'. sinnd bec'du. se. (/evilic the one!incss of I'll)d" roddy. Ihe niecfid1,113'IPI'ioi'!'IV Is town Ileit, .vin/)ei:s. Ed!{c'di!'rigi/Iepubfic trim}gels noiihe/)!.!'nie tollside!un'oil. roger/lei' 1,111i relevi'SIo/I Qii(/ I'd10. 1/1e lien, .\lull)ei's hm, epiod!{cert inI 11ndge of I'MihlesJPeo/)/eiiy!'!Igio nil!dde nild own Anvil. (!/Id 1,111io!!I d CLIi'e ill Ihe woi'/of 101' eiivi!unmanml (/d/Igei:,. AUSiiufinii neon/e I'llh 110 kilow/e(/ge of Joy)dii o!' ille Idpniiere. orce/)I 11^^ jin(!ge with owl qtiesi!'on rind 11,111iouiitdli'sillgi/leddvm^jug"' of being tripence it, jin o111' lieig/Ibou!'s. 7/1e Inertirr 1'171nge thou/d inId could be ninde into itd/^fy by atsore11^71gihe o1/1ei'. side offhe SIoiy. billusiheineditr Itvents only 11, hat 11 ironi. \ 10 trilltici 1/1e direniio/? of Ihe Alls'if'aftd, I public. n fluo-chinensiond/ lintige I'd theI' Ihdii 1/1e chive-drillc!ISI o11d/ lentily is liei'('e!'ved 7/1e 111editr. ill Iheii'

Jinidii, VC 11th ci'1111e. \. limblc/, is 1'11 1/1e Ifipuiic. ,e govei?inleiii. I'll)in I 11'Fillgio inke ovei', 11. snuff(I. inId the colli!'Ibiiii0!I o1/11e Joy)diie. VC 10 filmo!minim/ (/nilgei's. lisee!?is 1101h^^Ig hds beefi V)diet/. un/IIJ, o11 look 17/01'e closely or 11, hdi1/1eIn/)rulese tile '10/11g. /01' Allsi!'nfin rind of itcovei' Ihdi Ihe lieu, SI)rinei' ring/e is I'dij, o11c-. SIdcc/. 7/1ei'CIA 110 po, write v!e\, off/Ie coilsi$1eiii






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Colinette Margerison receiving her prize from Mr Ishihara


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