1990 School Magazine
TOURNAMENT OF MINDS This is an unusual competition that we entered for the first time this year. The aim is to foster ingenuity, creative thinking and problem solving - and to have fun BCG. S. fielded two teams. working on the themes "Drink it, it's good for you" and "Beyond the Black Stump". The challenge for the first team was to identify an environmental or medical problem and solve it with some magic bullet of an additive. The challenge for the second team was to take a well-known bush ballad and transpose it to the here and now all this with ITo outside participation or help One of the aims of the tournament is to bring together mixed groups front Years Eight, Nine and Ten but sad to say all but one of the Year Tens found the commitment daunting Over 300 teams entered the contest; they had telt minutes to make theirpresentations on "the day", which was held at Grimth University. Each team also had an instant problem, being given two minutes to extemporise answers
11} preparation for all this. we nave tried o11 all six of Edward de Bono's "thinking hats". we nave promoted an Instant D. I. Y. religion: we nave become pails of a fascinating "people-making Inachine" and we nave developed some really interesting ITew uses for the humble sclTool shoe as well as cogitating ovei. many intrigtiing puzzles and problems We knew that whatever the day might have in stole for us several of the tournament's aims had all'Gady been 111et. at least ill part. but it was an added pleasure that Tealn I with MIChelle Tsui, Tai'yii Bui'ns. Andrea Bi'emnei'. Calmi Charles-Edwards. Naomi Just. Brooke Mai'sh and Chi'1stine Newsome received a Special Award for' their entertaining. well-staged and ingenious solution of the problem of unwanted facial hairs - 10/10 black ones - caused by dust particles inhaled and affecting hoi. monal balance in 111e pituiiai'y gland of people evacuted to Mars Kym Sinith, F10na CTawford. Sarah Dancei', Kale Eltham, Rachel Gelsel, Meg Hadgi'art and Karen Pope presented a spirited metamorphosis or the Geebung Polo Club into a Tupperware Palty with an Avon lady completing the rout TITey were not fortunate enougli to win all awai'd. but since they ale all but one in Year Eight. time Inay put that I'ight
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TOURNAMENT OF MINDS - TEAM I Back Row (L-R): A. Bremmer, C. Charles-Edwards, M. Tsui. Front Row: N. Just, T. Burns, B. Marsh, C. Newsome.
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