1990 School Magazine

I spent tlTe performance nights crawling around the floor heneatlT the stage. feeling like a snake as. clutching my prompt book. I fixed leads and microphones. Being Assistant Director takes heaps of time as you have to go to every rehearsal. Still. I enjoyed it immensely. Like the tel} airls and eight boys in the cast. 1'11 never forget my involvement 11\ "The Boyfriend" kilnessd He, spe

THE BOYFRIEND Thoughts front the Assistant Director

Working o11 "TITe Boyfi'iend". this year's school In usICal. was quite ai\ experience. As Assistant Director. this play did become "my boyf^lend" for two 1110nths. I must nave knowiT every part by ITeart and I often had to fill in for one of 111e boys ill 111e cast. Ltickily I dicl not nave an identity ci'ISIs for I was the one everyone turned to WITen they ITeeded a line. a nTove or to know when to go on. My prompt book was the bible which contained this information.





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TITeatresports is a game of Improvisation whiclT requires gi'eat skill in quick thinking. Gritliusiasm. confideiTce and a good sense of hullTour. There is a variety of games that can he played langing froiii a 1:11nple itlime to a complex mini- Theatres ports have been enjoyed by all those who have participated this year and we hope that Theatres ports continue to flourish a TaiTi a

THEATRESPORTS Theatres ports this year began willI a series of woi'kshops liei'e at school. The two senior teams then pal'ticipated in Bi'ishane Graniriiai' Scliool's "Snippets" evening vrliich was fairly riotous. Then the organizeIs of the interschool competition provided Lis willI workshops at various schools during the year. leading Lip to the competition at La Boile

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THEATRE SPORTS Back Row (L-R): R. SOCdiarto. S. Burge. V. Hespe. A. Suter. P. Chive Tall. Front Row: Miss S. Curtis. K. NICLauchlan. J. Bunker. A. I. \\'alduck. Mrs. P. Murphy. Absent: N. Sargent. L. Bourne.














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