1990 School Magazine
'11/1trlioii 111 11/11/'11 neonl, ni'e se!/ish. 1111/11e. \.\ find de. y)einie 10 slit'cced. We 11/11 do Q/1110sidiiyi/lingio ,Inyoiie/'unto ':geli0 1/1e 10n 7/1ese 1/1!'ee chninciei'13nc's of 1710dei', I SOC!'eiy hare led 10 ille derelo/)inclii q/the told. 11/11t'erriig 1,011d offoddy. By roninig 171nchi/I'S 17/01'e hi^/Ily. JIM!I 1/7e $111ip/e 1/1/71^' 111 life tind VC'hcd!//^77g o111' 11\, e. \ so 11'e lidve 110 nine 10 rr/)/)!?cmie Ihese thing. , at d!/. 11, e 11th^e 10si owl' dellg/11 ill Mirinle 1111/1gs. In or/di7^^11. lit lidve bet'o1ne so colii/)cliff\e Ihdi lie lidve 11/11e It'Chiig 01' leverifoi' o1/1ei'.,. ,It, 11n\, e 10si owl'/;nei'./t. erriigs of coinpossi'on rindkihdne. ss ondbecome us coldand mechonica/ Inc. recoildi'eviliofi/lese thief/ticioi'.\ If n h!^/I level offIle. \., 111 lot/try ism('!Ifj, . Colliiiiurv/ fledd/^71es' dnd/ici'ce collipeiiiioiip!it (I gitni dent q11)I'e. *sill'e o11 pro/)/e. inId rodn^is cold. 111kh -rech nulld dor\'1101pi'ori'de (JPerrccfii/ drillo. y)helei/I 11,111t/I 10 it/ox ill life OS Ihe mochines which sun. ownd us
"Y0!{1/1 find('k. \ '11/1, e!' Ib!' .\101y)illg at rollbci 11g/11. " ' 'SII!'('IVC\' ill Joy)rifle. ,e .\('hools' o11 Ih(, Incl'cdSc
""o1,111 1101. \ or SI-till CT. fool/kill Jimich. "
H, ddl^JICA like Inc. \(,. to (01)11/10/1 ill 10d(IT is liei\'. yin/iei'.,. Juttrl limitoc'lei\, rodnj-^'A^(it7/1g (I .sell'o11. slimb/cm. 0111'111, .style hrrs bet'o111e .\o colii/)/c. \. .\0 .$11'ici{11 "rimeldbled " inId $11'e. \\/141. inn! Jilt'!'ofciii\'117 o11'1i '10/1'11/1/1 inId oreJt'o171e1/11'.\. Tile I'e. \!ills me obvi'oils ill ONi co!?1111uiii'ty MoilcJvi. rot'!In^^'.\ rr (01) info\'1101'/d OffC('h!1010gj' 7/1C \}I "11/1/1g 10ddj, . 4cjA of 1,101eij(. e inId lieivoi{A' bitrrkdonns me I'e. ,11/1. , of Is- dii dim. ,, I (/0(. k Ihdiiii'11 null^cj, o11 (11) o1qflcfj 174^'C linki7ig sri-ess. whiledrug riddiciion rindsuic!tie occui' when peopleiiyio 1,011 lip. o1' d!I elec'11,111'(' del, ICC Ihniit'111 oneiiJ, ou!'ginngc doo!'. escnj)e/i. on? Ihe piessure of /re hi o111' qi!cA'110!' 'I)1'0gi'(,.\.\" 11. <,. seeni 10 hQve 10siiot!c'/I 11 1'11i Inc A Iheie d '01/11/01i/o1' ONi' .SOC'!'efj:? 7/1c nilsivei'. ii .\eeni. ,. is ICn1 11'011d nild Ihe silliplc 1/1/71gs 111 111, . 7110/1g/I Ihcie in'c $117i/)Ie. To orei'collic 1/1e I)1'0ble, ?I 1110r'e\' rodtry. .\ociefjJ inner e\'(willoily. 111,171q/'o1'17J, q111eo/)/ei/Ie niq/'o1'10, qfihei!'nie(/0 1101 fom'11 (/e/jg/11 ill .\!'nil)Ie Ihiiig. \. ff Ite collld led, 'n 10 d/yileudie \cc/11 10 cult/bi' Inc '11/1. tincoiiip/ICdic(/ (Iv)ccis' of the 1101'/d 57'11i/)!ei/1171g\. 11. c could ledivi to I'cmx. 10 do rumy I'llh fledd/^}Ies trioiiiid 11. \. 11. VCCI}IA Ihe o111^ vdl!{c o111' .\0cicji, .seeA^}I .w'I}1171e init/ coin/)eiiiioJi. diid to rilloy the bruntv of the nulld d!'ouiid 1/11/10, \ I'.\ Ihcii 11. \e Qs' (I 111dikeii'/Ig 1001. ' "Kcllogg'.\ Coi'Intrke. ,. 11\. 7/1/'01{g/I 1/11'\. ite cowl(/ I'egdin oui'file}' enjoi!'oils in Id o11r hc(tillsc 1/1e .vini/)/, 1111/1g. \ 111 life did ofcii inc best I'err!Ig. \ of killd!less inId coin/)ass'1017 joltdi'(/A' other. , Onin!odeiv! lit, .trylci. \. incli indrii, e "onei'ore"171 d sillii/di 11uj, 7/11s' rimy s, e!n fin I'derr/I'Sii'c ond ovei'-serifi!?Ie/11nls0/11/10/1. bill 10 inc ninthiii, \ ith!1'11 .'11/70u!Id lis. 111. \lend o11^^171g cn('h ddy the!'e is led/I)in of of!T's ofeci!'I, eiiess. The so-cn//ed twiniii!\, e" d. \ I'i c'o171c. \. 11'e hd\, c, 17:9'Id nthii. \ nild thed!!/es' to 10/10"'. We nibe\ o141'IC(I rind Asin 11\, e n life lidsed ni'ou"dlidi!{I'd diid kiloiiVi(1111'eiiit{. signi{/) or n ceildi'11 Jinie to Ite dieiioildie/o1' $1'runlc nullgs. JP^^I^^ Inc. re giniips Ihei. e is diniosi coinj)leic 11'01k. ,, t'17/11si!edit 11'01'A din c'elfdi, I finie. $0 11'e Cdiigeihoiiie hni'1110/11, nild hup/)!'ness Qino, Ig. $1 1/1e peo/)/e .foi' (/^}incl'. We ledvc hoiii, figrriii or ti ceiTdiii nine 10 dire!Id d hi4ii. \/IQ/^^. flyoti/Ig boy shoots hi. , Hellg/rho!11' herd!{se he 10s!n 111cciiiig. E\'eij, tiny o101/1 litc. \. Ile inflate(/ 1111/1 churl/^lie\ IiJ, coin/illiei'ginnc. In Malay. ,in. Ihe child!'eii offI 7,111ni'litc "ill'he 11/11/11 11. e 11/11. \I lidv, 'fork\". ., tic/I d. \ eati'Jig o1' 11'011 .. . . . . . -.,,. .^. * - .. .. ... { * *,.,. , I ~~. A. ,... .. .....* ..-. t *_,. . . ' *' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' . \, '. . * * *. .'.. "" ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ~ I' ' ' '~ '~,' " " ' ' ' I;,,.. _ ..^..... ,,*f*,;,,* *. , -*,*.,{*~Jt, ;:11:1-" ' " ' "' ' ' """ ~ ' '; I" " .. .\ ... ......*.... .. _ a, *,, - ., *.~ ,, ' .-* I, I .. ;. ' '. \*_ -, .. * .*.: ,*,. ... .. , . .., .. . ..... . .. \ . ^... , .-, \ >*. .. I. * ' .. . . * ... Kane Barrett. Year 10. 49
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