1990 School Magazine

Mrs Belty Nichols (Lugg). Head Girlin 1940. spoke o1T heI. lire and memories of tlie school before tlie Assembly was concluded witli a nearty rendition of the "War Cry" All but three of the Sixth Formers of 1940 were tracked down in the lead-up to their Golden Jubilee which was celebrated in May. Twenty of the twenty-seven who were sent invitations attended on the day. Miss lones. their Classics teacher. and Mrs Dingle who, as Miss Mitcliell. had taught some of them ill their Junior Years, were also present AltliouglT nTost had 1101 seeii eacli other for fifty years. 111e time fell away as thougli it had ITever existed WITen they assembled for tea and cake at 10 am. Photos were taken and as far as possible everyone stood in the same place as in tlie SixtlT Form photo As at tlie "Fifty Years On" reu nion. the I'e was all Asseinbly The school hell was Tung. "Fight tlie Good Figlit" (WITich many thought of as the School Hymn) was sung. pi'ayers were said. and a Bible lesson was read before the all important 1011 was called Botli groups were taken o11 conducted towns of tlTe scliool by I'GPresentatives of this year's prefect body. Those old girls WIT0 11adn'I 11ad the OPPortLinity to follow tlie development of the school since their own school days wei'e amazed at the changes In tile buildings and facilities coinpared witli WITai 111ey knew fifty years ago Lunch was provided by the school caterers and for eacli occasion tile chef 11ad made and decorated a special Reunion Cake. Botl\ groups would like to express theii' sincere gratitude to all those who made their reunion days so 111emorable and successful


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PREFECTS OF 1940 AND 1990 Back Row: (L-R): E. Edge, A. Williams (Leslie), L. Shaw (Potter), M. Schalkoort (Greig). M. Young (Clutterbuck). L. Thornsett. R. Grice. Front: (L-R): E. Papas. J. I\, Iartel, ;\. liss Jones (Classics Mistress). C. Goodsir (Chenoweth). P. Me Bride. K. Vann

All Assembly was ITeld in the Gehrmann Theatre and old times were reinembei'ed as the it yinii. "immortal Invisible". was sung and 111e lesson - 1st Coi'InIhians. Chantei' 13. one of Miss Lilley's I'avourite readings - was heal'd. Roll call was followed by delightlul solos by recent old girl Marki Edwards WITo was accompanied by Miss Bathara Hehden TLi!Iy (formerly Miss Muir!lead) and Miss Mii'laitilones. were presei\t and each gave a talk on her life after teaching at B. G. G. S. Mis Ttilly iTioved o11 to journalism on a world- wide basis and travelled froiti Sydney for the reunion. Miss lones became a wartime translator' and returned to teaching after the \vai. ~. Two teachers WITo were on the staff iiT 1940. Mrs Hazel





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CLASS OF 1940 Fourth Row: (LR): 0. AToney (Milne), L. Sham (Potter), J. Bisset (A1and). A. Williams (Leslie). E. Bowden (Purser). I\I. Williams (Hunter). Third Row: E. Edge. E. Papas. C. Glazehrook (Hunt). M. Schalkoort (CTeig). C. MCIlwraith (Stopford). N. F11iott (Arithon). P. MCBride. K. Vann. Second Row: R. CTice, H. Brooks (Troedson). J. Blackman (Potter). I\Irs Dingle (Ilylitchell). Ilyliss Jones, C. Goodsir (Chenoweth). N. Payne, J. Dwyer (Malone), J. Martel. Front Row: L. Thornsett, G. Henderson (Heit on), B. Van Hornrigh myassel), M. Young (Clutterbuck), N. Duffy (Denniss). Absent for photo: G. Law.

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Mrs Jean Vallis looks on as I\Irs Hazel Tully Cuts the "rift} Years On" Reunion Cake


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