1990 School Magazine
Mr Peter Riminingtoii WITo gave of his own time alld Ihai of his staff to complete tlie 1'001ing Mr Peter Vai'Iey 101' Ills table saw and special tools Mi' John Shenstoiie Ibr and e n runeei'111g Sillyeying skills Mi' Dai Mason 101' co- o1'dinatioii willI the building inariu factu re rs and local nullioi'ities Mi' Geoff Citine. 111e expel'I ill 111e all o1' laying I\avei's. and Mi' Ted Chapmaii Ibr PIuiiTbiiig Finally. I would like to thank the P & F Association. withotit WITose financial sunpoi'I. tlie 1,101ects completed would 1101 nave been possible OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION Oui' yeai' began willI the Annual Genei'al Meeting and WeIconie to New Members Dinnei' lield tit the school o11 Monday 19/11 Febi'uary. Tile response 1101/1 o111' "new me in bel's" was most itleasing. willI inniiy of 1989's Yeai' Twelve gii'Is enjoying a 1110si pleasant eveiiiiig. TITe following wei'e elected to the Committee 1'01' 1990:- Piesidcnt Mis Paula MCKellai. Iunioi' Vice Piesideni Miss A1'abelle Claydeii Past Piesident Mis Jean Vallis Seci'eiai'y M rs Do 1'011iy Boui'gtiignon Assistant Seci'etai'y Miss Penny Sinitli TicaSUIei' Mis Diana Wood Assistant Tieasui'ei' Mis Sue Joi. dan Committee Mis Lyle Schwarteii Miss Susaii Pechey Mrs Barbara Hiley Mrs Pain West Miss LOTraine Chestei's Mis Sue FinlT Mi's Jail Mackay Mi's Mai'garet Hulli "Tile Real Tiling" by ToIn Stoppard. pelformed at tlie Arts TITeati'ein May. afforded lis 111e OPPoi'tunity to gather with tilends. not only to view tlie play but also to share a delicious chicken and champagne supper afterwai'ds All afternoon tea and general Reunion ofall Old Girls was lield at tlie school during July. Many 111eiiiories were stirred as tales were told. especially dullng the tours of the school conducted ill a most efficient and friendly marinei' by present-day Prefects An enormously successful Dinner at The Staff Club of the University of Queensland at the end of August was the social highlight of the year. All decades from the 1920's were represented and well over one hundred old girls, as well as Mrs Hancock, members of The Board of Trustees and representatives from other Old Girls' Associations, shared an excellent meal while being regaled by Rhonda Pashen. Rhonda, an old girl from the late 1960's. is a physiotherapist who is presently rewriting the Workers' Compensation Act, Queensland. Her recollections of her days at Grammar amused everyone greatly, especially the description of the end of term gym exam, one of the few areas in which she definitely did not excel. Nearly forty of the women present came from the SeniorYear of 1965 and this combining of a specific year's reunion with the Annual Dinner proved so successful that other years will be encouraged to do the same in the future .- Petei' A. Wilsoii
Novembei' will see a coinbined Cocktail Pal'Iy willI the Gi'amitiar Old Boys' Association at City, Rowers. Eacli yeai'. a joint1'11nctioiiislield to encoui'age Dallicipatioiiby tlie younger 11Tembei's of boili Associations and we none 111is evening will be well sunpoi'led. 011 hellall' of the Coinmittee and In Ginbei's of the Old Gills' Association inny I extend ChristInns gleetings to Mi's Hancock. 111e Stall and gii'Is o1' Bi'ishane Girls' Gi'aminai' School and wisli the Yeai' Twelve Gii'is o1' 1990 evei'y success 111 111eii' I\11/11'eS
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School Day - OGA. Stall
FIFTY YEARS ON Two veiy important reunions wei'e lield at the school this yeai'. one foi. all snidents who attended Bi. ishane GII. Is' Grammai. school in 1940 and one for. the Sixtli ForIn of that year 93 of tlie 171 gii. Is eni'o11ed in that year's five Ibrnis were piesent at the "Fifty Yeai's On" celebration, many of them travelling 11'01n Intel'state and froin far flung coi'ners of Queensland to attend. Apologies were received from several old girls WITo now live ovei'seas
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"Fifty Years On" Reunion
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