1990 School Magazine
An aspect of this year which has been most rewarding to me has been the involvement of the fathers of Year Eight and Nine studeiTts which foreshadows an active continuinu 101e for' this group. Both "new" and "old" fathers. for your suppoi't throughout the year. I thank you all
FATHERS' GROUP in keeping with the guidelines established over the past Ihii'teeit years' the Fathers' Group has niaintained a low profile support role. witli a strong emphasis placed on providino a foruni for fellowship of the males of tlie school coin in unity We 111ere Inales have again been strongly supported by Mrs Hancock during aiT eventful year. which saw the group conti'ibute over 600 man ITotirs (excluding Imbil) to school activities such as - Support for R&B Appeal . Garage Sale . FuiT Run . Picnic Races Scliool F1inctions . Open Day . Welcome to Grade Eight parents . Dancing Classes . Introduction to 1991 pal'ei\Is
John Shensioiie
IMBIL SUPPORT GROUP TITe accommodation block WITich the group commenced buildiiTgin April 1989 was approved for occupancy by the authorities early in 1990 in time for the 1990 Outdoor Education Program At this stage. there still remained the completion of the trimming and battens on the building. and provision of walkways to join the existing paving
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Woi. king Bees . Landscaping . Imbil
On many occasions dui. iitg the year and particularly on Open Day. it is obvious that fathers are actively involved in many and varied school activities. hence no one group with the title "The Fathers' Group" could possibly daim to define tlie limits of all fathers' participation.
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Mr Peter Wilson opens the building which bears his name. To this end. working bees have been ITeld approximately once every two months with tel\ to twelve fathers making the early Saturday morning pilgrimage to Imbil. working twelve to fourteen hours over the day and a half that the "in residence" group is As working weekends are restricted by school camps. outside group activities at the Centre. Fathers' Group working bees, and the school in Brisbane. the Support Group is limited in what they can achieve ill a twelve In o1Tth period The Outdoor Education Centre will continue to growover the coming years, and tlie assistance of fathers in the Support Group will be needed to provide those 'extras' at jinbil to make life more enjoyable for tile girls. As this will be my last report as Co-ordiiTator for the Imbil Support Group I wish to thank all the fathers who have been so supportive over the last four years in particular the following:
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School Day Hamburger Stall We extend an invitatioiT to all fathers to share in the fellowship of our dinner meetings where the degree of informality which has been characteristic of these meetings. is being jealously preserved. What of the fliture? The achievements to date in the school around. at school functions and at Imbil, have clearly demonstrated that this group can make a meaningful contribution to the school community. All members of the group in the past have expressed surprise at the level of enjoyment that accompanies a sore back and tired muscles There can be ITo doubt that associated witlT the new building projects. there are challenges ahead for this group. As well as being supportive of tlTe fLind raisers ai\d policy makers. we present ourselves primarily as the workers and look forward to participating actively in the future building and development plans
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