1990 School Magazine

VALEDICTORY DINNER - 1989 The 1989 Valedictory Dinner arranged by the Parents & Friends' Association, was held on 16th November in the Guineas Function Centre, and attended by students of Grade Twelve. their parents' teaching staff and the Principal. Mrs Judith Hancock The evening was full of laughter and warmth, when school girls, who had suddenly blossomed into lovely young ladies, enjoyed dinner with their parents and teachers, Diana Lohrisch respoiided to the toast to the School proposed by Mrs Hancock. Mrs Elizabeth Teeland, an Old Girl of the School and present parent, spoke with humour of her days at the School, and provoked her audience into thoughtful contemplation of the future. Sarah Martin responded with a sincere vote of thanks and a small presentation The Graduation Cake was cut and distributed while girls mixed freely and a little emotionally with theirparents, the Principal and members of staff, and said their goodbyes The night was truly one to remember, and to feel proud of those lovely young women leaving Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, and looking forward with a sense of great optimism and excitement to what lay ahead Jan Blackford President Parents & Friends' Association Inc

MOTHERS' GROUP As a result of Mothers' Group activities in 1989. cheques for $8200 were presented to Mrs Hancock for the purchase of ITewlockers and $2000 to the Restoration and Building Fund Appeal. The Mothers' Group in 1990 has been very active and supportive in a variety of activities. We assisted in the Welcome to New Parents in February, organised Year Eight Family Barbecues and Year Ten Dancing Classes, served tea and coffee at the Fun Run, participated in open evening meetings ill May and September, ^an successful stalls o11 School Day (cake stall, Devonshire Tea stall, and preloved book stall), welcomed 1991 Year Eight parentsin October and farewelled those Year Twelve mothers who were leaving the School. at a morning tea in November We have supported many Restoration and Building Fund Activities, particularly the Fun Run. We sponsored Mrs Colinette Margerison as OUT runner and raised over $800, winning the second prize of accommodation on Hamilton Island, which we then rained on School Day.



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School Day Devonshire Tea Stall


In July we held a very successful Luncheon and Fashion Parade. This year. oui' venue was the BTOtlTel' Cyprian Pavilion at Martst College Ashgrove. Fashions were by Pip Pope, an up and coming designer and Old Girl of the School. Our beautiful menu was planned and presented under the guidance of Mrs Eleanor Seaman. Guests were entertained by girls froin the Wind Quintet and Flute Quartet. We are grateful forthe generous donations of our many raffle prizes, and thank especially our many mothers who gave very freely of their cooking and time. We have been encouraged by the continuing strong support and fellowship at our Lunch Meetings, and thank Mrs Hancock forthe opportunity to hear at first hand what is happening within the School, both from herself and from Staff guest speakers The Mothers' Group thanks sincerely Mrs Hancock and all School Staff for the education and pastoral care given to our daughters. We thank everyone for their generous help and support in 1990.


VALEDICTORY DINNER - 1989 (LR) Kim Nicholls, Christine Pidcock, Carla Fitzsimmons, Jodie Chandler


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