1990 School Magazine

TITe Parents antiFriends' part of School Day this yearwas o1'ginised by Mi' lain HGSpe. The clay was not only financially vei'y successful. but many parents commented o1t how 111uclT they enjoyed working towards and on School Day. Tlie result was most satisfying to all who took part Meinbei's of tlie Palents and Friends' have given support to tlTe Restoration anti Building Fund 111roughout the year during the Garage Sale. the FLii\ Run. Be audesert Race Day. Sale of Calendars and the Preview of the Treasures ITom Shanghai. Tile welcome to 1991 Grade Eight girls and the11' parents took placein October. and the members oilhe P & Fenjoyed givinggtiided tours of the Schoolon Inat day The ReviewofTertiary Entrance in Queensland in 1990 by Prol'essor Viviani was discussed by the Parents and F1'iends and a SLibmission with recoiniilendations from a palent's point of view was niade to the Minister for Education. Following our aim to promote educational activities. Miss Felicity Williams presented us with some challeiTging thoughts about the fliture when she spoke on "Crystal Balls and Computers - The challenges for Junior Curriculum Development" at a Meeting to which all parents were invited Under the umbrella of 111e P & F are the Mothers' Group. Fathers' Group. Imbil Support Group. Music Group. Pops and Old GII'Is, with whom we have a close working relationship. Those of us who nave been involved have been privileged to be part of the whole School family. We look forward to another successful yearin 1991 Jan Blackford President


It 11as been both I'ewardiiig and challenging to work with the dedicatecl bancl of palents who Ibriii the Parents and F1'lends' AssociatioiT this yea r. The School is greatly eni'icliecl by the service given in the areas wliei. e Parents a rid Friends woi'k. Mis Hancock is always ready witli help and advice. The cooperatioiT given by the in embers of tlIe teachiiig sin^I. office staff. kitchen staff allcl gi'ound staffis illvaltiable. A feeliiig ofwai'In 11'iendship 11as been present. beneficial to tlie wliole School itjinily The fund-Itlisiiig activities oilhe Parents and Friends have continuecl strong under the gLiidance of our Treasui'er. Mi' A1ait Dann. willI SIIbstantial profits ITlade in 111e TLickshop. Stationei'y Shop. New and Secondhand Bookshops and tile Clothing Shop being available to benefit the School. The Clothing Shop is ITow the only stockist of Brisbane Girls' Grammai' School 11niforms These Shops could not lull successfully without the tliousands of hours orvolu ntarylielp given by our workers and the Convenors of our Shops A commitment 11as been Inade by the P & F to fund a Centi'e within the proposed ITew building. Of the estimated cost of $300,000.00 the P & F will conti. Ibute $250,000.00 over a live year period with the balance of $50,000.00 most likely to be matte up in the toriii of a government subsidy A fulllier $77,000.00 has been Inade available for projects pi'esently necessary withlit 11te School and at the Tmbil Outdoor Education Centi. e. We were very proud to see Mrs Hancock open and ITaine the new Petei. Wilson Building on OpeiT Day at 1111bil in July. We gratefulIy acknowledge the contrihtition willcli Peter and his band of men nave Inade to the Imbil development prograin over a number of yeai's. We wei'e also able to inspect at close quarters the new block o11aii

The very successful plant stall on School Day I*,\*".-* ,. . ,.**e*--~, \'.*. t' ,* :! *,*., .*"*;I' * ,




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