1990 School Magazine


WITile in Melbourne. she was involved in sportiitg activities both on the field and ill administration. HeI peers nave honoui. ed lier with memorial trophies Her filends at BCG. S. have also ensui. eclliei. name will not be forgotten. witli a Trophy to be Dieselited a rinually to the student showing outstanding leadei'snip <1ualities kit a lettei' to liei' sister Kaleii before she died Beris nut foiwai'd a plan 101' liei' flittii'e life - heI' di'earns Age 61-70 A gi'andiitother enjoying glandchildi'en Alithor and ai'list Conti'Ibtiting to the community Age 71-80 Responsible foi' setting up impi'oved cal. e for the eldei'Iy. active In colliiiTiinity support foi the aged care system Age 81-90 RegLilai' vistoi' to Gal'Ih bases o11 0thei planets Age 91-100 Lots of 11'1ends and family supporting me Fit and well Bens' family, whicli 11as had ties witli B. G. G. S. over a period of sixty yeai's. reinembei's this special pel'soil with Immense love and pride

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The Brisbane Girls' Grammar School community, and her many friends and colleagues, were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Bens KOTOtcoff in a car accident at West Wylong, N. S. W. last year Bens was returning home to Brisbane from Melbourne when the tragedy cut short a life full of promise on July 26 two nTonths before her thirtieth birtliday After Inaking her mark at She Twood State School. where her leadership qualities were already evident, Bens began life at B. G. CS. in 1972 as a Form Captain andleftiii 1976 as a PI. erect Her close friend, Elizabeth Datsun recalls that Bens was afraid of nothing, and vividly recalls her first backwards dive froni a high tower at the Centenary Pool. where after a loud explosion and huge splash of water, Bens landed flat on her back and was sore for weeks While at BCG. S. she gained the Christine Evans Prize for Mathematics and Science in 1976. and was actively involved in Gymnastics. Hockey and Swimming. With a T. E. score of 990, Bens entered the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the University of Queensland, where she was held in the highest affection by all who knew her. Although she completed her Engineering course in Melbourne, Beris maintained strong links with the University of Queensland, making an annual pilgrimage to recruit the best students to join her at the Australian Synthetic Rubber Co. Ltd. , the large international organisation that appointed her as its first female Chemical Engineer Later promoted to Senior Engineer at the age of twenty nine, Bens was responsible for the development and efficiency of a huge synthetic rubber project that will save Australia millions of dollars






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Louise Catherine Grimes, a considerable figure in Brisbane's music life since the 1930's died after a short illness on September 9. just before her eighty-third birthday After leaving Windsor State School where her father John Henry Maynard was Head Teacher, Louise Grimes attended Brisbane Girls' Grammar School from 1921 to 1923. gaining a Teacher Scholarship which took her to the o1<1 Training College in Turbot Street. Her first appointment was to Windsor State School where she specialised in music


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