1989 School Magazine

TH EATRE DANCE 1989 has been yet another eventful year for the performers of the Theatre Dance Company. Although our official Theatre Dance Revue for 1989 r,vas performed on 21st October in the Cehrmann Theatre, we were invited to perform at several other functions througlrout the year. These included the Brisbane Crammar Performing Arts Revue in Centenary Hall, which proved to be an interesting night, as we were the only female performers. Shortly after this was School Day when, in spite of the absence of our choreographer, Mrs Papas, we displayed a cross section of our repertoire for the school community. Some of our dancers also performed at the District Covernor 963 Rotary Changeover, and more recently at the Student Freeps in the city Botanical Cardens. Using the proceeds from our 'l 9BB performances the Theatre Dance Company has recently purchased for the school a follow spotlight featuring the latest technology. This will be used in the Cehrmann Theatre for all strands of performing arts, and will no doubt greatly improve the professional quallty of theatre in the school. Susan Cillingham Captain

Theatre Dance Group Back Row (ttoR) K. Hanson, C. Watt, S. Broughton, R. Muntz, P. Kirk- Lauritsen, K. Baxter, S. Bosanquel, C. Lane Second Row C. Barry, M. Symons, B. Atkinson, S. Gillingham (Captain), H. Castrisos, C. Pearson, V. McConnell, t. Miller, T. Laycock Fronl Row M. Pearson, S. McAdam, H. Gillingham, E. Papas, Z. Knights, A. Lanac, J. Liu Absent V. Cardell, A. Murdoch


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