1989 School Magazine

DRAMA CLUB REPORT The Drama Club began atthe end of 1988 with the aim of providing a way for all girls to be involved with drama, whether or not they take Speech and Drama as a subject. A production of "Little Women", involving students from both schools, was planned for April, but unfoftunately this did not reach performance standard. However, everyone learnt much about what must be accomplished before a play can be staged. We began our series of guest speakers in May with Diane Smith (Dr Alex Fraser from A Country Practice), who an- swered the many questions about her profession with thoughtful and very helpful replies, while still being ex- tremely entertaining.

Rebecca Riggs, a Brisbane actress, has been taking a series of acting workshops, covering basic techniques and improvisation, and in August a small group attended her play, Hard Knocks, at La Boite Theatre and enjoyed seeing her "in action". With guest speakers planned from all facets of theatre - di- recting, stage managing, set design, makeup, etc. - the members of the Drama Club shouldn't be bored for some time to come. We would like to thank Mrs Murphy for all her help and support during the year and wish the Drama Club all the best for the future. We hope the B.C.C.S. Drama Club of 1990 has as much fun as we have had this year. Sarah McPherson J en ny Stewaft-Ri chardson

Drama Club

Back Row (ttoR) C. Silcock, R. Muntz, S. Coughlan Second Row S. Pearn, A. Titley, A. Dautel, K. laing, L. Cohn, S. Ede, A. Love Front Row A. Kagawa, K. wan, J. stewart-Richardson, Mrs p. Murphy, L. preston, K, weinthal, A. lohnson Absent S. McPherson, t. McKenzie, t. Wood

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