1989 School Magazine
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funior Strings
Back Row (ttoR) H. Buchbach, l. Hadgraft, S. Lehmann, E. Miller, T. Macdonald Second Row K. Henzell, B. Dann, C. Peel, t. Robinson, T. Bull, l. Mahoney, C. Watt Front Row B. Marsh (Leader), l. Sing, Miss B. Myers, S. Broughton, B. lahey Absent S. Tanks, l. Matsumoto, N. Ceorge, S. Spanswick
fuNloR srRlNG QUARTET The members of the Junior String Quartet made their stage debut this year on School Day. We performed in the Library an arrangement of a Haydn "Minuet". This was a great success. The lunior String Quartet consists of Carolyn Van Eps and Susy Williamson on first and second violin, Sarah Wutr"n on viola and Ceorgina Lawson on cello. We would like to thank Miss Myers most sincerely for giving up her Tuesday lunch hours to conduct our practices. Best of luck to next year's quartet.
CarolYn Van EPs SusY Williamson.
Junior Slnng (luartet I to R S. Williamson, Miss Myers, C. Van Eps, S. Warren Absent G. Lawson
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