1989 School Magazine

SIGHTS SET HIGH Three B.C.C.S. students have been highly successful in sport and have maintained their fine achievements. Kirsten Moore, who was selected in the U16 Queensland Schoolgirls' Netball Team in 1987, and the Queensland U17 Team in 1988, went on to be selected in the Australian Squad in 1988. ln 1989, Kirsten was Captain of the Queensland U17 Netball team, and was selected in the Australian U17 Squad. Kirsten has the distinction of having been awarded the B.C.C.S. Sports Brooch in 1987 and 1988, in recognition of her selection in state teams for athletics, netball and softball, but her achievements in netball have outshone the rest. ln her first year here, 1988, Belinda Luton was selected in the B.C.C.S. Equestrian Team. Belinda achieved first places in lead-up competitions for State Selection, and emerged as Overall State Champion in the Pony Club Combined Training Championship, and Reserve Champion in Pony Club Dressage. As State Champion, Belinda represented Queensland at the National Dressage Championships in 1 988. This year, Belinda emerged as State Champion in both the Pony Club Combined Training and Dressage. Unfortunately, she was unavailable for the National Championships and so was unable to represent the state for a second year in succession. Deborah Sander began playing waterpolo in 'l 985 when she was still at Primary School. Within three years she had reached a standard where she represented the school not only in the U16 team, but also U18, U20 and Open A teams. ln 1988 Deborah gained selection in the Brisbane North Regional Team and the U20 Queensland Squad. The 1989 season climaxed for Deborah when, after being selected in the U16 Brisbane team, the Brisbane North Regional and the Queensland Schoolgirls' Teams, she was selected for the Australian Schoolgirls' Team, to compete in New Zealand in June. Congratulations and best wishes for further success to Kirsten, Belinda and Deborah.

Debbie Sander, Kirsten Moore, Belinda Luton

RACHET BATMANNO ln January, Rachel Balmanno attended the 1989 National Science Summer School. For two weeks one hundred and thirty-seven students from Australia and overseas stayed at the Canberra College of Advanced Education. The program was designed to help the students in three ways. Firstly, it gave interested students an insight into the Scientific eommunity they may one day be entering. lt was also intended to aid students in their choice of career path by showing them the options available. Finally, the school gave students a chance to meet other students with the same interests and abilities. However, the activities were not limited to science. The students enjoyed musical, cultural and sporting activities along with a few "extras" they invented themselves. The Summer School was enjoyed by all involved and promises to be a valuable experience for those lucky enough to attend in the future. IAN MTLFORD - EXCETTENCE lN MATH EMATICS After outstanding results in the Australian Mathematics Competition and the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers Problem Solving Competition in Years Eight and Nine, Jan Milford, who is presently in Year Ten, was chosen to take paft in the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Project. Each month, Jan receives a set of problems to work on and attends tutorials at Queensland University. ln August, she sits a four hour paper with other Year Ten and Year Eleven students for the lnterstate Finals of the A.M.O. If successful, Jan then begins a summer correspondence program. Outstanding students from this group are then chosen to represent Australia at the Asian-Pacific Mathematical Olympiad in March, 1990 and then the lnter- national Olympiad in China in July, 1990. As most students chosen to participate in the project are in Year Eleven, it is an outstanding accomplishment for Jan to be a part of this project. Even if unsuccessful in being chosen for this year's team, Jan has gained valuable experience and will have an even better chance of gaining a place in next year's team.

lan Milford and Rachel Balmanno


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