1989 School Magazine
IMBIL SUPPORT CROUP During the latter months of 1988 it had become evident that the tent accommodation provided for the girls at the OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE was coming to the end of its useful life, and either had to be replaced or an alternative found. Discussions between the School and the Architects resulted in a proposal for a building estimated to cost in the vicinlty of $200,000. This amount far exceeded available funds. Members of the Support Croup who are employed in the fields of Architecture, Engineering and Building, felt that they could formulate an alternative solution.
Discussion resulted in a Demountable Kit type building, that would be both aesthetic and functional, and with the generous support of the P&F ASSOCIATION the order was placed. Early in April the building panels were delivered to the site and the stumps erected by the supplier. On 15th April, 25 fathers commenced the erection of the floors and walls, and by Sunday afternoon four rooms had taken shape. Despite the wettest April/Mayf une period on record, working bees travelled to IMBIL on the only free weekends available between school camps, and have now completed the building to the stage of occupancy. ln all a total of ten days and an estimated eight hundred man hours has resulted in an accommodation block for 48 persons, and based on the original estimate, at a saving of over $160,000 to the School. The internal finishing, and painting of both the interior and exterior should be completed by the end of 1989. The coming year will see the need for the SUPPORT CROUP to continue their traditional activities of paving and Iandscaping around the new building to compliment that which has been done over the past two years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the fathers who have made the early morning trel< to IMBIL over the past year for their support and fellowship. I would especially like to thank those fathers whose daughters have left the school for their continued interest. PETER A. WILSON MOTHERS'GROUP At our End of Year luncheon last year, Clenda Costello, our 19BB President, presented to Mrs Hancock a cheque for $14,000 from the Mothers' Croup to launch the Restoration and Building Appeal. This was the culmination of several years/ very hard work by the Mothers' Croup. .1 989 has seen the Mothers'Croup working in a suppor[ive role for a variety of School activities - the Welcome to Parents in February, Year Eight Family Barbecues in Second Term, evening Open Meetings in May and August, catering suppoft for the Fun Run, a Welcome to 1990 Crade Eight Parents in October, and a Farewell Morning Tea to those Year Twelve mothers who will no longer have daughters within the School. Meeting of the Mothers' Group
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