1989 School Magazine
Final Results were: Hoop 1st ts.S.H.S. 'l 6.4 2nd B.C.C.S.16.3 3rd St Margaret's 13.8 Ribbon 1st B.C.C.S. 16.35 2nd B.S.H.S. 15.7 3rd St Margaret's 14.0
Ball 'lst B.S.H.S. 17.9 2nd 8.C.C.S.16.5 3rd Clayfield College 15.9 Combination
1st B.S.H.S' 16.75 2nd St Peter's 16.4
3rd St. Hilda's 15-B 4th Clayfield College 12.85 4th B.C.C.S. 1 5.7s
Thanks to the entire team for their determination and most importantly their spirit and enthusiasm. It was a great comPetition. Thank you also to Mrs Papas - our coach and choreographer - and Nicole who has devoted valuable hours to us between University lectures and her own gym training. Best of luck for next year. Jacqui IIiff Captain
Rhythmic Gymnastics "Ball Team" Back Row (ttoR) T. Marsh, B. ,Atkinson, V. Cardell, A. Murdoch Front Row M. Pearson, H. Gillingham, K. Baxter, C. Barry
RhYthmic GYmnastics ,,Ribbon,,Team
Back Row (ttoR) E. Papas, S. McAdam, M. Symon Front Row C. Lane, J. llifI, K. Stewart, A. Crowther Absent E. Roebig
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Rhythmic Gymnastics Combination "Hoop and Ball" Team Back Row (ttoR) A. McGrath, K. Patrick, S. Frostick Front Row S. Gillingham, K. Potter, G. Haylock, A. Layton Absent R. Cameron
Rhythmic CYmnastics ,,Hoop,, Team Back Row (ttoR) D. Poole, K. Kirkwood, K. Hart, C. Gentner, M. de Laat Front Row T. Macdonald, T. Shenstone, S. lliff
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