1988 School Magazine


^ lnt has been happening this year, what with German li;:i;;, uuJ"n,'"*.huis"t' rhe cerman rour' ihe Xi'i"lr""tf"tt, and so on. I'll leave the major events to Y.i:";;;i;;' ."J irtt comment on some of the smaller il]l''r." Ni.;i; Robinson, who received a sAGSE lii"i"ttnioln yeartwelue lastyear' returned in February ,ii"i tit weeks in Germany raving about Ihe expertence 1in pnertY f luent German)' ,nro have had a German-speaking Swiss exchange :;;r;. rti.un"tn steiner, on a Rotary Exchange since 'J:;;;.'o;; unnrur treks to the cerman Verse-speaking tlLp".[it"i, to in" Munich Steakhouse and to the biiot"t+"t, occurred as usual' With Expo play.ing such a "'r"nri"""rrole,interestinGermanandotherlanguages [u, b""n heightened' DE[.,ITSCHE TANZGRU PPE The Cerman Dance Group-got its act togeth.er very ",'i.f.V,nit vear, doing a perfdrmance in the Gehrmann il;;i;t;i;(in u'.orpie of weeks o{ the vear's start' As a ;;;1i,;;;"i"ubt"'t" attract quite a few crade Eights into the HaPPY SlaPPers' Alas, to the dismay of our older members we found our :;;;;;"t had myiteriouslv shrunlt.:i1t" grade eight' so *iiLln" n"f p of'our newly found.little slappet: Y-" -g^:l inn"th", to raise some money! We managed to sell ;;;.; pizzas to the school body and. all manner or ;;;;;-fiGiund-taising events soon followed' We discovered that if we had new costumes we had to ;i,;;";rn"u"avr So bega.n 1.*iirlwind of ;;;;t;;."r. s.r'bot Dav anJ'the oktohrerfest left us 5^n"riiJ br, *" struggled on to entertain the masses at Expo, not once but three times I Our very special thanks must go. to Mrs Hartley' Mrs e'*.f ry #d ,il rno.Il"tt of the {irls for,helping with the .oriuri-]"i, also to Mr Miles and Mrs Kiolle whose support ;;; b";;i";aluable. Elise Kleinschmidt and sarah Flower (last vear's bie bosre,) gave up valuable.time to help with i;;i"1;; ut-aTa vtt eJpas' one.more thank vou.goes to .riin" Elrri *ho huu" put up with me for a whole year' Good luck for n'ext Year' Stephanie

GER.ru4AN TOL,IR -N988 Accompanied by the three teachers - Mr Miles' Mrs ii;i; Jnl M;tt'stacL - seventeen Grammar. girls. and "igniS;t"rville House students, jetted out of Brisbane ;; j;;; 8th for Austria' After a tiresome thirty-three n."" t"a touchdowns in Sydney, Melbourne' [(uala fu.pur, Dubai and Frankfurt, we arrived in Vienna' lmmediately we were thrust into the tourist mould' with ;';;;;;i i;;'" of th" ma gnif i cent,. h i sto ri c,citv' and thus b;;;" [our hectic, though exciting we-eks in Europe' ;;i; t "iiit . the wor"ld renowned spanish Riding S;;t[ *" *"r" off - taking in the.culture and splendid ;;"';;i of Austria, includirig the location used in the ;il;i;;"i "The sound of Mulic"' we also ventured into i'n" al"pint of i saltmine at Berchtesgaden' dressed like miners ourselves. Travelling north-west into Bavaria' we experi:lt-",9"u rn"-otuEt" evening at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich' ."l.in*i"* in our d-emonstrating the heel and toe polka ;; ";h" 'i"?ats- ana other foieign visitors' Before "r".""Oin* to our homestays, we ascended the i;;;;;; irn"lign-"tt mountain in cermanv) bv cable .til"a indulged"in a snow {ight' which was tor many ol us, our first.

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