1988 School Magazine

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Our last days were spent in Hamburg, Bremen, Cologn and Bonn, bef ore cruising the Rhine, passing the f amou castles and the Lorelei Rock. We then collapsed into th plane in Frankfurt, unaware of the string of bad luck t iollow, including the shooting down of the lrania aircraft, occurring while we were in Dubai. Also while in this Persian Culf city, one of the gir managed to lose her passport. Fortunately, it was late found and safely returned. On arrival in Sydney, because of various delays enrout we had a mere forty-five minutes to collect baggagr proceed through customs, transfer to the Domest Airport, and board our flight to Brisbane. When th luggage conveyor belt broke down, we almost Save u! on"l! t6 discover that the next available f light would be i three days. Things were soon amended, however, an we rushed to catch a bus to the Domestic Termin; Naturally, none was available and we crowded inio s nearby taxis. With negative f ive minutes remaining' vt ran inconspicuously through the airport and onto ot f light only to hear the captain announce, "We are sor foithe ten minute delay, butthe schoolhas now ar;ive We are ready for take off." Finally, at 9.30 a.m. on July 4th, we landed in Brisban excitecl at the prospect of eating something other tha bread. Thanks must especially go to the three teache for providing us with a fun and an action-packe month's tour.

The homestay was a test of our German ability, as most families spoke very little English. For most girls, this.was the highlight of the tour, due to the many friendsh.ips establ[hel. Our brief sojourn in Switzerland provided an opportunity to visit tl-re tourist spots of Lucerne and lnte;laken, where we saw a performance of the play William Tell in an open air theatre.

Mr Miles receives a gift from the Deputy Mayor ot waldbronn' Back in West Cermany we passed through the medieval city of Rothenburg, enroute to West and East Berlin. it *ut h"re that we viewed the modern version of the opera, Faust giving us good reason to escape the "i nteresting" youth hostel. BO f W l .

lulie Adse

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