1988 School Magazine

R.S.P.C.A. Back Row: ([eft to right): S. ll&rornpson, [-. Wiseman, A' [-ewis, K. Douglas. Second N{ow: W. Evans, S. Ede, N. Bulll, C. Robinson, 5. Coutghlan, C. Van Eps, [-[. Fisher, A. Anrent. Front Row: K. Webster, Y. Morrison, A. Swain, [-" tsowen (President)" M. Stitz, &{. Christie, F. R.owe, F{" Gtrnana{ne.

Afu{AN] The Amani group is now in its third year o{ existence, and has continued to hold discussions on topical issues and the sources of conflict within our community. Many of our members participated in the Palm Sunday Peace Rally on March 31st which was both motivating and enlightening for those involved. Expo has also played an important part in Amani's community involvement, with Fleur Gunn and Nellie Hyndman sending a peace message to schools in West Germany and the United States of America, on behalf of the peace group, during communications week. Three members also participated in activities for Hiroshima day at the United Nations pavilion. We have had two guest speakers this year, one from People for Nuclear Disarmament and the other f rom the United Nations Association of Australia. lt is through these discussions and involvement in peace activities that the B.G.C.S. Amani group has become recognised within the Brisbane community. We hope that in future years students of B.G.C.S. will gain as much as we have f rom the Amani group and its participation in the Brisbane peace network. Thanks must be given to Mrs Riggs, Mr Walsh and Mrs Hadgraft who have continued to support us in our efforts to create peace awareness within the school' Peace Nellie HYndman FIeur Gunn 57

R..S.P"e "4. Dr Day of the R.S.P.C.A. presented a plaque to the school on assembly early in the year in recognition of the $1,200 we raised for the society in 1987. This spurred us on to greater things so we launched straight into action with a street sta I l. For a bit of fun, we had a fried chicken lunch and, ever mindful of our animal friends, played "Hunt the Freddo Frogs" and "Velcro the tail on Megan". School Day stirred up a lot of action amongst our 150 R.S.P.C.A. members with T-shirt sales and pet photo and cuddly toy competitions, as well as our very large pooch who walked around begging for donations. 1988 certainly has been a howl of a year. l'd like to wish everybody the best of luck for next year and to thank all who helped with our various fund-raising u.Ji)ir'U"i*""


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