1988 School Magazine

DffiffiAT"$NIC 19BB has been a very successful year for Grammar debating. An unprecedented number of girls has debated this year in both lnterschool and lnterhouse competitions. Girls'Grammar fielded teams in Circuit, Apex and QDLJ Competitions. Circuit debates gave girls the opportunity to hone their debating skills in a relaxed social setting. They provided an alternative to the fierce competitive- ness of Apex and QDU. The Apex teams thrived under pressure: both Year Eight teams reached the finals and the Senior A team was one o{ the Crand Finalists of the Brisbane zone. They secured a trip to Cladstone to compete in the South-East Queensland Championship. Congratulations to the team - Stephanie Ludlow, Ceri McDonald, Katie Firster and Lisa Pennell - on their fine performances. ln the QDU Competition, our debating prowess was again made manifest, with good results from all teams. On the home f ront, seasoned debaters and novices alike competed in Interhouse Debating. The competition was held at each year level and all Houses participated en th usiastica lly. The high standards which have been achieved in debating this year ref lect the ded ication of the debaters. Congratulations to every debater for an excellent year. Thanks must go to the ten tireless teachers who have coached our teams. Miss Burrows and Mrs Riggs deserve special accolades for co-ordinating all teams and giving Grammar debating its edge. Also thanks to my fellow Senior A QDU debaters - after five years of debating together, we have reached the end ofthe debating road. Ellie Wainwright Debating Captain, 1988

AMANN Back Row: ([eft to right): Mr j. WaBsh, ,rr. h{andfield, K. Macfieod, K. tsleakfey, F[. Atkinson, Mrs j. Riggs, C" Merrphy, [-. johmston, Mrs S. 8-fladgraft, S. Coughlin, A. ,Anastas. Front Row: K. Waf,ker, N. [-[yndnram; R. .Armes, F. Thounpson, Fn. Wehster, R." Robertson. Ahsent: F. Gunn, V. Moone"

DEBATING Back Row: (left to right): S. Martin, [-. Fennell, fu{. T'aylor, K. Firster, K. Skubris,,4, Earron, E. Cranger, 0-, McFherson, S. McAdarn, R. Conoplia, S. Clarke, N" Bigby, Y. Wiltshire, S. [-udlow, W. Roberts, E. I-uton, i. Mowbray. Third Row: A. Cornwall, B. Kennedy, T. Marsh, M. Devivo, M. Thomas, Fl. Catrusos, K. Robinson, P, Chiverall, K. !-{aberfield, [. F{adgraft, M. Christian, E. Fryberg, R. Ealrnanno, N. Marley, C. F{art, L. Campbell, M. Cowen, C. Wainwright. Second Row: E. Wainwright, Mrs Marsh, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Murphy, Mrs Kenrnan, Miss Burrows, Mrs Riggs, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Pepper-Budge, Mr Dale' l. Morris. Front Row: B. Charles-Edwards, S. Spanswick, !-. lohnslon, C. Muirhead, S. Helman, R. May, O. Taylor, l-i. Cillingham.

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