1988 School Magazine

Back Row: (fleft to right): K. Eleakley, Y. Wiltshire, td. Skuhris, K. Fawcett, R. FYe. AT[-[ENE N. I-ewis, N. Eigby, K. tu'loore, M. Stitz, J. Stewart-Richardson, L. Carmpbe[], D. Lohnisch, A.,4ngeNini, trhird Row: ['{. Wehster, C. Robinson, K. fl-{aversrnith, S. Clark,,A. Barron, A. Seccull, f . Walters, S. LudIow, V. N'toore, M. Nolan, W. Roberts, F" Wainwright, A. Anastas. Second ttow: E. Fryberg, C. Elms, [-i. ,{tkinson, J. Morris, J. N'tcCann, R. Balrnanno. Front Row: 4,4. Cowen, N. [-{yndrnan, S. fo4artin, [. Woodforde, S. Berner.

a.5.e.F" Do you need a friend in a high place? lt was very encouraging to see this year many old and new faces coming along to the lnterschool Christian Fellowship group held on Friday lunchtime to learn more about Cod. ln first semester we tackled studies such as "Does Cod exist?" "1s Cod real?" and "How truly valid our Faith is". This formed a basis for our second semester studies on "Discipleship", "Witnessing", and "Nurturing New Christians". We all benef itted f rom these most enjoyable studies. Thanks must Bo to all who prepared them, especially Sue Howard, a Senior Mistress in the Boarding House. Study Camp, Smadd Camp, l.S.C.F. Training Week, Discipleship Camp and Area Training Weekend were attended by various members who returned enthused. Thank you to allthose who supported our Hot Cross Bun Drive in April. This money was used in the preparation for our link-up. This is the linking up of past and current l.S.C.F. members to keep them up to date with the group. The link-ups were held in July and October. We learnt a lot about past l.S.C.F. groups and the school in general f rom them. A very f irm core group has been established in our prayer meetings on Tuesday mornings with the Boys'Grammar School l.S.C.F. 8roup. On behalf of the Year Twelves of LS.C.F. 1988, l'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who'"vas involved in l.S.C.F. and who made it a wonderf ul year. We pray for allthe Ieaders in 1989 who are going to do a f antastic job in continuing to motivate the group. Joanna Ranson JEJE

ATFflENE CLUffi Under the iron-f isted reign of Shane Monks, the Athene Club has again enjoyed a success{ul year. The group is comprised of students from B.C.C.S. and B.C.S. with a common desire to come together for the purpose of discuss ion. After the initiation of scores of new members, the group explored issues of great social importance. Numbered among these were what ordinary people can do against war and conservation as an arm of the peace movement. Some innovative styles of presentation were undertaken throughout the year with a great degree of success. Lachlan Michael is to be congratulated on the hypothetical he conducted, and despite outcries against the trivial nature of some questions, the quiz night was general ly well accepted. This year's participation has been enthusiastic and members have welcomed the opportunity to exchange ideas socially.

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