1988 School Magazine


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SIIIJDENT REPRESEN-IATCVE COq.JNCf [- Eac[< llow: ([eft to right): F. Gunn, S. Falnrer, J. Stitz, S. Seery, N" F{aines, L. A4cPherson, M. Syrrnis, l-. Cappe|flone, n. Clark. Thircl [Rowr N. Katchor, F. Chiveral[, S. Frew, ts" funattern, S. Coogan, V. Krernrner, A. Mccrath, M. Kapper, M. Murretr[, K. F{ansen, Y. Casfey, !. Fatterson, [(. Reed, Ftr. Castrisos. Second Row: E-. Middleton, M. Thorras, ,4. Eruce,,V{iss O'Sulflivan, [-. Carnpbell (Fresident), Mr Miles, !. Clark, S. Faflrner, L. Wong. Front ltowl S. Bekessy, ,4. [-enac, S. Downing, E. Roy, S. Fton, N. Fiyndrnan, [-[. Gillingham.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCII The Student Representative Council is a very important part of the school community. The aim of the S.R.C., as set out in the constitution, is to provide an essential communication link bretween teachers and students and put forward various ideas to promote the continued well-being of the school. Each house group has one or two representatives who bring the ideas, complaints and opinions of their class members to our weekly meetings. From there we have discussions, take votes and draw conclusions, which eventually are presented to Mrs Hancock. In addition to the weekly business, we have taken part in several projects. Earlier in the year, the S.R.C. held a highly successful lolly drive to reduce our financial Iimitations. We are presently taking part in the Comalco Schools Aluminium Can Recycling Competition, in order to promote an interest in the cleaning up of the environ ment. On the seventh of August, the annual Student Freeps, run by the Brisbane City Council, was held. The S.R.C. tnspired support f or the Student Freeps and represented the school by running a sweets stall. Thanks to the magnif icent support of the whole school, enough lollies were donated to make it a huge success. Nevertheless, without the extremely generoul help of Miss O'sullivan, tt could not have run io smoothly. The Student Freeps provided a day of entertainmeni and enjoyment for school stuCents Irom all around Bt isbane.

Many thanks must go to our Treasurer, Jane Clark, our Secretary, Ainsley Bruce, Miss O'sullivan and Mr Miles who all contributed much to make this year a memorable one for the Student Representative Council. Linda Campbell Presi d e nt ]NTERACT 19BB has been another successful year for the Cirls' Crammar School lnteract Club. Membership increased slightly from120 to 140. ln the past year we have conducted several successful fund-raising drives, selling sweets worth $S,OOO. We have also conducted our annual lnteract lnterhouse Stamp Competition. The money raised pays for the vaccination of children in the Third World. On Friday, 13th May, over 100 students and parents of Brisbane Cirls'Crammar attended a Rotary District Quiz Night organised by the District Representative, Meera. All proceeds gained f rom the night were donated to this year's district charity, Polio Plus. The night was a great success and enjoyed by all. We received generous donations of prizes and vouchers, to a total value of over $3,000, f rom over thirty companies. We participated in several doorknocks organised through the Windsor Rotary Club. These inciuded the Salvation Army, the Queensland Cancer Fund Appeal, and the Red Cross Doorknocks. We raised approximately $300 for each of these charities. 51

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