1988 School Magazine
ln December of Iast year, Brisbane Girls' Grammar trnteract Club in conjunction with Brisbane Crammar lnteract Club organised a Christmas party for the chilcjren of the Montrose Home. lt was a very successful day and students have since gone there by themselves. ln the International sphere, we sponsor a little girl in the Philippines through World Vision. We have also made much contact with overseas Rotary through exchanrge students. At the beginning of the year, we restarted Junior lnteract Club. This club consists of Year Eight and Nine students. The girls in this club attend their own Junior meetings in addition lo our Senior meetings. ln total, the Cirls'Crammar lnteract Club has raised over $7,000 since last September. $1,000 of this has been donated to the lnternational Polio PIus Campaign. Iwould like to thank this year's board - Meera, Sally, Prue, Kristin, Kim and Peta - for doing such a great job. I hope next year's board is just as successful.
Stephanie Ludlow President 1987/88
Fifth Row: K. Davies, C. Erown, E. Buchanan, T. Elinde[[, E. Moreland, A. Rs.!le, S. Barmett, K. Fneyworth-Srmith, K. Daley, ,\4. iVtunre[[, R. Fye, !. Waflters, K. Davis. Fourth R.ow: D, F{owes, A. Ftrandfiefd, ,A, ,Anastas, C. Thornpson, C. Cou[cl, j" A,ncCathie" L. Story, D. Story, S, llowie, M. Omions" S. Stewant, [-. Blue" Third Row: S. Perny-Keene, E. Kazakoff, ,4. Bowcock, K. ,A[[an, !. l-nadgraft, ts. Geddes" C. Rickarby, K. KinB
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