1988 School Magazine

On the recreation side this year's innovation, the " tluor escent Far es Show' was en joyed by .rll (particularly those in the audience). Tension developed on Saturday afternoon as eager spectators waited to see who would win this year's footy match, and be awarded the aluminium foil cup. The outcome is still being disputed. On Saturday night the group descended on the Rec Hut to see if it could withstand another year of hyperactive bopping. The fashions at this year's "Outrageous" dance demonstrated qualities ranging {rom the psychedelic, the absurd, the creative to the tasteless. Commer.rts such as "Where did you get those paisley f Iairs?", "l just love that sequinned boob tube," and "Can I borrow your leopard skin coat?" were characteristic of the eu"ning. On Sunday, four bus loads of mentally and physically exhausted musos returned to Brissie with urgent need of the following twenty-f ou r hours to recover for the Music Camp Concert on Monday night. The concert was a great success and everyone rose to the occasion. Many thanks to Miss Cook, Miss Myers, Miss Eaton, Miss Carey, r\4iss MacAskill and the Grammar School music staff and parents for making the weekend possible. Susannah Webb

STRING ENSEMEB.E Bac[< !tow: (left to right): run. Biggs, S. Ludlow, L. Du[

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