1988 School Magazine

C[.AR!NET CFNOIR Eac[< it,ow: ([eft to right): A. Smith, C" Nz{angerison, D. Scholflay, E. fviacl

cn-,ARI N Err Q[..'ARTET l-eft to right: A" Smith, D. Schofiflay, C" Davies" E" Varley.

FLUTffi CFg@gR 1gEE This year's FIute Choir commenced in term two with many Grade Eight students joining the group as new members. The group, which is conducted by Miss MacAskill, performs at various school and community functions. The differing levels of skillof the members in the group allow a wide range of pieces to be played. The group has expanded dramatically since its beginnings in 1985, with only four members. lts current members, in Crades Eight to Eleven, meet every Monday lunchtime. As always, the third and fourth terms are the busiest of the year for our group. We are currently preparing for School Day and hope that our high level of achievement continues in future years. Good luck to future flute Sroups. Julien Newsome Group Leader

Fil',TF Ct-{OIf{ Back Row: (!eft to right): E. Eutson" K. Arnold, h{. [-transen, C. 9-[opkins, E.A,4il[,er, [-. Sc[euntner, E. Robinson, Miss ,4. N{acAski[[, Front lRow: B. Charles-Edwards, j. Fegg, K. Dunn, A. Crowther" M. Eennett, S. Eroughton, F. 6reer. .Absent: F" McBride, j. Newsorne ([-eader), O. Taylor.

COMBINED RFCORDER CONSORII AND R,ECORDER ENSEMB!.8 Back Row: (left to right): K. johnston, N. Gunaratne, S. Lee, !-. Fope, E. Miller, Miss A. tu{acAs[

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