1988 School Magazine

ru4@TffiERs'GR@UP RffiP@RT The Mothers' Group during 19BB has continued as an inforrnation and support group with the particular airn of heiping to foster a family atmosphere within the school. Monthly meetings, at lunchtime and in the evening, haire been well attended. We thank our pnincipal and her'staff for their regular contributions as guest speakers. We started the year together with the Parents and Friends'and Fathers'groups assisting our principal with the February Open Meeting {or all school parents. The errening was held in a relaxed f riendly atmosphere and was attended by over 300 parents, along with mernbens of the Board of Trustees and the teaching staff . We hope this will become an annual event. During second term, a series of six separate Year Eight Fnouse barbecues was held at the school, enabling fan-rilies of girls to meet each other in small groups, thereby fostering our theme of School Family and Friendship. The annual Year Ten Dancing Classes were a resounding success and the parent support was overwhelming. The gii'ls thoroughly enjoyed the classes and we thank the boys of Brisbane Crammar School for their enthusiastic support. Particular thanks go to the conveners, Karen hziartel and tibby Burge, and to all parents who helped lorith the supervision of the dancing classes. At the time of writing this report we are well into the planning of the September School Day. This annual event is awaited with enthusiasm by all involved. Support has continued for the tuckshop, new and secondhand books and the clothing shop. A thank you from the Mothers' Group goes to all concerned, particularly to the four conveners: Elaine Robinson, jenny Cardell, Sue White and Ann Crant-Taylor. Cur f undraising this year commenced with a delightf ul lecture-luncheon at Carawah Women's Club featuring Elizabeth Teeland, a volunteer guide at the Queensland Art Gallery. Elizabeth, one of our mothers, showed a siide preview of the exhibition of sculptures and paintings from the Louvre. in May we had our.first group visit to lmbil, the school's Outdoor Education Centre. A busload of mothers was accompanied by "Tour Guide" Peter Wilson. At lmbil we met Tim and Sue Lanham, the teachers in residence, who explained the facilities. We lunched at the local lmbil hotel much to the amusement of the true "locals". Our thanks to Peter for his company and interesting commentary of highlights of the Imbil area, and to Sue and Tim for their hospitality and explanation of the centre's function. The highlight of our f undraising effort for 1988 was the Cala Fashion Parade and Lu ncheon held in August at the home of Drs Geoff and Coralie Porter. The magnif icent garden setting complemented by the pink and white marquee created a charming atmosphere for our Suests and for the parade of fashions by Chercher la Femme and J.B. Conlan-Louis Feraud. The convener, Eleanor Seaman, co-ordinated the whole f unction, utilizing the generous services of forty-three mothers, and two fathers. We were delighted to have helping us on the day eleven Year Twelve girls along with Miss Myers and three

members of the String Quartet. The girls added grace and decorum to the day. There was an incredible amount of work involved in making the day such a resounding success. We thank Eleanor and her helpers for their tireless enthusiasm, the sponsors for their donations, and Geoff and Coralie for the use of their beautiful family home. Our End of Year Luncheon is to be held in November at Lennons Hotel and we look forward to meeting present and past friends of the school. We particularly appreciate the close liaison within the school family of the Parents and Friends'Croup, Fathers' Group and the Old Girls' Association. All four groups have worked to ensure a successful year socially and f inancially. Our Mothers'Group thanks Mrs Hancock and her staff for their support and ready availability. The Executive Committee have enjoyed a close working relationship with members of the teaching staff, off ice staff, ground staff and boarding house staff. We thank them all, on your behalf, for helping make 1988 so successf ul. Finally, thank you to mothers and daughters whose support during 19BB has been so invaluable. 19

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