1988 School Magazine

@L-W G g E,R E-S' ASS@CEATS@iN ERffi PORII' Our year began with a Welcome to l\ew Men-lbers Dinner at the lower Mill N4otel, on 29th February, 1988, followed by the Annual General Meeting, at which the following office Lrearers were elected: Fnesident: Faula McK-i:ilar (Furvis) Senion Vice-Fresident: Merle Moreland (McCultroch) !uaafior Vice-Fresfident; I-{elen Feel Secretany: Susan Firth (llastie) Assistamt Secnetary: Shani Doig llneasn-nner: Lorrai ne Chesters Asslstamt llreasuren: Diana Thacker flnana'nediate Fast Fresidemt: Jean Vallis (Genn) Conramittee: Lyle Schwarten (White) Barbara F{ileY (Revie) Dorothy Bou rguignon (ScotneY) Lyn Utting Kate Moreland Lyn Ferguson (l-{olmes) Sharon Freeman (Gainsford) Anne Laver Arabelle ClaYden Elizabeth Allman Andrea Sackson Deflegates to the Natiomal Coumciil of Womnen: Yvonne Eain (West) Lyn Fergusonr (Holmes) On the afternoon of 1gth Septenrber, 1987 ' in conjunction with our annual reunion and the unveiling of the Foundation Stone of the original Iibrary donated by the CId Cirls', the newly renovated and updated Honour Boards in the old Assembly Hall were on display. ln addition to these was the new Lilley Medal Honour Board. lt is most appropriate that the improvements were f unded, with pride, bythe Old Girls'Association, as each name on view represents an achievement of fellow old girls. This year our Annual Art Show opened on Friday 3rd June, and, despite very inclement weather, was a pleasant evening. On Saturday, the annual reunion afternoon tea wai held at the school, with everyone who attended being invited to view the show. We didn't think it possible, but the weather was even worse than the previous evening, which daunted the general public irom attending the show but not the very pleasing number of old girls who represented years of attendance at the school from the 1920's to 1980's. School Day this year Save us a venue to promote the Old Cirls' Association th-rough a display of our activities' More importantly, it was an opportunity for us to advertise ihe fund which has been established to enable the association to commission the writing of the history of the school by oral historian and old girl, Susan Pechey. A video f ilm of Betty Murdoch, a pupil of B.C.C.S. during the Second World War, being interviewed by Susan and Helen Crant-Taylor, was shown and Susan outlined her ideas for the format of the book. The project is most exciting and should provide a most readahrle summary of the h istorical events, perso n al recollections and comment of the people involved with the school and also observe the contribution of the Brisbane Cirls' Grammar School to the education of women in Queensland.

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The Fathers' Croup has had an extremely active year' Continued support for the school has been evident. Working bees have been strongly supported. The nature strip landscaping was completed, extending the footpath and standing area. The repairs to and painting o{ the bus shelter were undertaken with the support of the Brisbane City Council. Painting of the tuckshop and fence removal were also comptreted. Both activities were strongly supported by f athers. This, together with substintial work at the Memorial Outdoor Education Centre at Imbil, clearly resulted in very cost effective work being undertaken. Cost to the schoolwas minimal. Financial support by the Parents and Friends' Association, together with that of the school, has been significant. Support has been given where possible to other groups within the school. While the indirect financial support through the provision of many man hours of labour is an area of obvious contribution, the other features of the Sroup should not be underestimated. The active members of the Fathers' Group clearly believe thattheir participation in the life of the school is important to the rounded development of their daughters. The informality which has been characteristic of the group over the years has been preserved..The group is.a iorr* for fellowship of the male members. Monthly dinner meetings have been well attended. The continu!ng active and visible support of the Principal ha.s been a significant factor in the morale and overall effectiveness of the group. There is a capacity for the group to obtain comprehensive information on the education provided bY the school. Members appreciate the opportunity provided through- group participation to contribute to the development of ihe school environment in the interests of current and future students.

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