1988 School Magazine
Back-Row: (left to right): c. Fripp, i. Anthon, D. sawers, o. ,l"rr"'o:3uff;j@"Yll[1 urrr-n, !-" Kircher, N. Ta[[on, A. hnyde" Middle Row: ,4. Wagstaff, S. Moore, [-. Cannpbeli, E. [-ewis, V. Frost, C. ['ye, W. Levy, l. khursamdi, [-. liihonrsett, v. sleenstone. Front Row: i. Eckett, K. [-[uggenson, B. Degraaff, M. Davies, C. hnartley (Capta!n), W. !ohn, M, Srmith, L. Searnan, R.. Carneron.
came second in the Ltnder thirteens and Cindy Fripp came eighth in the under sixteens. For their outstanding achievements, these girls were chosen to compete in the Queensland Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships in Atherton. Here, Narelle came third. Congratulations! Unfortunately, Melissa could not make it and Cindy went all that way only to sprain her ankle, and not be able to complete the race. Narelle did not stop here. As a result of her excellent performance in Atherton, she has been selected in the Queensland team to participate in the Australian Secondary Schools Sports Association Cross Country Championships to be held in Brisbane in Augusr. The 1988 cross country season would not have been nearly as successf ul if it were not for the enthusiasm ancl determination shown by all of the girls. A big thanks must also go to Mrs Henry, our coach, who not only gave us her expert advice, but also put up with our groaniand complaints about aching muscles. Finally, lwould like to thank everyone in the team for making the season so enjoyable. Best of luck to Girls' Crammar next year for the inaugural e.C.S.S.S.A. competition. Chris Hartley Captain
CROSS COUNTRV 7.00a.m. - While most people were thinking whether or not they should get out of bed, rhe B.d.G.S. cross country team was hard at training - either sprinting up hills, f ighting through the dense scrub of Victoria par"k or going on a four kilometre run. Training commenced at the beginning of second term and all girls were prepared to put in a maximum effort to make the season a most successful and enjoyable one. The interhouse competition which was held early in May certainly revealed a lot of the team's talent. A two kilometre run through Victoria park seemed like,,child,s play" compared to the trainings we were used to, but the competition side of it was important in preparing us for f uture competitions. Narelle Tallon 'perf ormed extremely well, becoming the overall schooi champion. The main event which we trained for was the Brisbane North Regional Cross Country Championships which were held at Kedron park State High School on isth vay. ln our groovy cycling pants, we certainly showed the other girls'schools how good we were, coming second in the competition. With about 100 girls in eaCh event, Narelle Tallon won the open age group, Melissa Smith
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