1988 School Magazine

SOFTBALL A CRADE Back Row: (left to right): K. Wettenhall, Mrs Fnarvey-Short (Coach), A. Angelini, 5. 0-fawley, A. Bruce. Front R.ow: E. Andrews, S. hlarris (Captain), M. Willcox. SOFTBAT!. The 19BB softball season began enthusiastically with trials and trainings towards the end of 1987. All the players were keenly sporting their talent ready for a big season. With blue booklets in hand, the A and B squad members began their Christmas holidays which, due to pressure from Mrs Harvey-Short and Mrs Starr-Thomas, were destined to consist of at least one skills training a week for five weeks. At the commencement of 1988 the squads were put through rigorous training sessions. The A grade squad, determined to come back from ninth place in 1987, gained match practice by playing reigning premiers, State High, in two pre-season games. This was a great help in Iearning to work as a team. ln the B Grade competition, good pitching by Kate Maher and Lynden Ewin gave plenty of work to the fielders who rallied to the task and performed like a finely tuned machine. The fielding effort was then backed up bry consistent safe hitting with regular big hits and home runs by Sasha Chenoweth, Emma Woodall SOFTBAI-I. GRADE B Back Row: (left to right): E. Gerber, L. pope, B. Kooymans, B. Morrison, E. Kerven, N. Seibel. Front Row: M, Leslie, 5. Maslen, R. Rimmington, E. Beaton, N. Bryce. Absent: N. Anderson, N. Mayes, M. Teague.

SOFTBA[.[. E GR,ADE Back Row-: (left to right): j. Attwoo[[, S, Chenoweth, K. Mahen, l_. Ewim, A. Reilly, K. Vann. Front Row; j. Sanmon, E. WoodaNl, E. Wlnite, M. Dnewe, C. Ffloward. and Angela Reilly. This teamwork resulted in great ,,vins against both State High and St Peter's and subsequen'tly gave the Grammar B Grade team a premiership which was shared with State High. The A Grade's best match was against State High, which had spectators anxiously on their {eet in the f inal stages, as time ran out and Grammar went down 5-4 with loaded bases and none out. Thanks are extended by all players, to both Mrs Harvey- Short (A Grade) and Mrs Starr-Thomas (B Crade) for their expertise and dedication in coaching the teams and Mrs Cooke and Alex Seckold for their time and patience while scoring every Saturday morning. Finally I would like to thank and congratulate all the girls for a successful and enjoyable season and wish next year's teams the best of luck. Sue Harris Softball Captain Special thanks to Sue Harris who was an impressive captain, settimg a superb example for her team mates and displaying a rnature amd responsible attitude to her sport. P. H-S. SOFTBALI- GR.ADE 9 Back Row: (left to right): E. Andrews, M. Willcox, J. Day, j. Martie[, J.White. Front Row: V. Garton, E. Appleton, M. Kimbell, K. Vann, C. [-[oward.

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