1984 School Magazine

BASKETBALL REPORT Basketball is a year round sport and has been played within the school now for arou nd7 years. Although it is only a relatively new sport in the school it has become very popular especially among the boarders who contribute to at least 60% of the teams. Due to very few coaches and f acilities available f or basketball we have found it hard to cater for the increasing number of girls wishing to play. On the 25th of May the School Basketball team went to Mackay for the State Secondary Schoolgirls Championships. For 3 years we have played in this championship and have always made it to the semi-f inal, winning the competition last year. That win took the girls of the School Basketball team last year to compete in the National Schoolgirl's Championships. U nfortunately we were not successf u I in that championship. This year in the Queensland competition we reached the semi-f inal defeating Beenleish 34-6, Rockhampton Grammar 22-17 and Gladstone 43-12.However we were defeated in the semi-final by last years runners-uP, Pittsworth 21-36. Overall we finished third in the State, and the team is to be congratu lated on their great ef f ort they Save that week-end. A special thanks must go to Mrs. Short, our manageress, and Mr. Hughes, our coaCh, for their support and encouragement throughout that week-end. Congratulations also go to Liz Marks, Fiona Ellison and Anne Cutting for their superb effort in being selected in the North Regional Basketball team. The Sirls played in the State Under 16 Championship at lpswich and were very successful to become the best Under 16 team in Queensland. Liz Marks was named most valuabl" player of the Championships. All the teams are to be commended on the last two seasons'effort and we would like to wish them the best of luck for next year and the coming seasons. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to all our coaches who give u p so m uch of their time in and out of school to manage the various teaffiS, Mr. Warden, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Rayner and Jenny Lind. Dorothy Mohun, Susan Coode

GRADE 9: Kirsten Neilson, Dana Fitzsimons, Maria Tambakis, Sally Maher, Sasha Chenoweth.

Harris, Sue McDonald, Christine

8: Susan Hawley, Suellen Karen Blue, lane McCann.

GRADE Hartley,

Mackay at the lntrastate Basketball

B0 The impregnable shield! Competition.

Anne Cutting attempting a shot while Beth Fitzgerald.looks on.

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